Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Notable quotes: Lainey and Carson


On the way home from soccer tonight Lainey says, "When I get big I will have milk." 

 I wasn't sure what she meant.  She was really lactose intolerant as a toddler so she drinks almond milk so I thought maybe she was referring to drinking cows milk.

 I asked, " You mean you'll drink cows milk like Erik."  

Lainey: "No mom.  I mean that I will have milk so I can feed babies." 

Me:  Well yes, if you have a baby someday (when you are MUCH bigger and married) then you will have milk.

Lainey:  I know Mom.  When I get milk I can help you feed baby Kyle.  He likes milk and only that makes him happy when he cries.  When I get milk I can help him when he is sad. 

Me:  That's so sweet Lainey!  You are a big helper with baby Kyle.  I'm guessing that when you are able to nurse a baby Kyle won't need milk anymore.  Hahaha! 


Erik and Lainey managed to get themselves in trouble again this morning.  This time Carson wasn't involved as the crimes took place before he, Kyle, or I went downstairs at 6:45.  What did they do?  Climbed up on the counter and on their tippy toes managed to get the chocolate chips down from a very, very high cabinet. 

I was barely amused with the ice cream and definitely not amused this time.  I sent them upstairs to get dressed so I had time to come up with a punishment.  Victor had left them toast on the counter for breakfast before he left for work.  They didn't eat that (consumed a good 500 calories worth of chocolate a piece instead) so I decided I'd eat their toast for my breakfast.  (Don't worry I left them fruit and milk and Erik eats lunch at 10:30 -crazy).   

When they got back down they sat down for breakfast and wanted to know what happened to their toast.  I explained that since they ate my chocolate I decided to eat their toast (not super mature but I'm super sleep deprived and quite annoyed).  They didn't protest - either because they were full or knew they were wrong.

I explained to them that since they had stolen a bunch of ice cream and now a bag of chocolate chips that they needed to pay me back for that and I was going to have to take $5 from their piggy banks.  (Lainey doesn't care that much about money but Erik has been saving for a specific toy.)  They weren't happy with that but didn't protest much either.

After they ate their fruit and milk I sent them back upstairs to brush their teeth. 

Carson had been quietly watching everything and eating.  He seemed concerned and asked me, "Why you eat Lainey's toast?"  I explained again my childish retaliation techniques.  (Ha!) After eating about half his toast he stopped, put his toast on Lainey's plate and said "No eat my toast Mommy.  I share my toast with Lainey!" 

Oh my sweet little boy! 

I am fairly confident that thing 1 and thing 2 have been extra naughty somewhat unintentionally due to changes related to having a new baby.   When Carson was born their antics lasted about 2 weeks.  I am hoping they resolve themselves quickly again.  (Meanwhile I will keep making an effort to spend one on one time with all of them and continue to think up creative punishments.) 

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