Saturday, September 28, 2013

Kyle - 1 Month

Our sweet baby is one month old already!   It kind of feels like he's been here forever but at the same time, he is still tiny, so it's also hard to believe he's really 1 month old.

Kyle is a sweet little baby. He likes to be held, be wrapped up tight in swaddle blankets, eat, and likes his "plug".

He doesn't enjoy being put down when he is awake, although will tolerate it if he has a "plug" and/or is swaddled. :)

I LOVE having a newborn around.  Oh how I love babies!  I swear there is nothing better.

The kids all love him too.  They ask to hold him frequently.  Lainey is deeply in love with her baby brother.  She gushes about how cute he is all day long.  :)

Kyle is by far our tiniest baby.  He was the 3rd smallest at birth (Lainey was 6lbs 7 ounces, Kyle 6lbs 12 ounces) but has been the slowest to gain weight back.  His weight bottomed out at 5lbs 15 ounces when he was about 10-11 days old.  At one month he was 7lbs 2 ounces.  The past 2-3 weeks he has gained between 1/2-1 ounce a day which is normal.

(For comparison:  Carson was 7lbs 11 ounces at birth and 11 pounds at 1 month!!!)

Kyle eats every 2-3 hours.  He often will eat on three sides (meaning back and forth and back again).  Ha!  I am still using the shield for most nursing sessions.  He can nurse without it but sometimes gets frustrated and I think it is more tiring for him so I haven't really tried to stop using it yet.

So far he has very little issues with reflux.  He has started to spit up a little and I can hear reflux sometimes but he is overall happy and it doesn't seem to impact his sleep.  I am quite shocked as the other 3 all had definite reflux issues at 4-5 weeks of age.  I am praying baby Kyle has Victor's stomach of steel!

Kyle gets up every 3 hours at night for the most part.  He slept for 6 hours once - I was up after 4 needing to feed a baby though.

His eyes are still blue but have a light right in the middle which means they are starting to change colors.  His hair is different colors - blond in the front, strawberry blond and brown in the back.  It will be fun to see what he looks like in a couple of years. 

I am feeling much better than I did two weeks ago.  I am so thankful for that.  My cough is gone and the back pain is probably 75% better.  Hallelujah!  I am pretty much back to my pre-pregnancy weight (1-2 pounds to go) but certainly less toned than a year ago.  I have been walking daily but was able to jog 3 times this week.  That felt nice! I have been starving the past two weeks and eating almost constantly which I don't remember from nursing before.  I am trying to make healthy eating decisions! Overall, I am so thankful for my health.

Kyle is a wonderful addition to our family!  I had of course been looking forward to meeting our sweet guy but having this new little baby is so much better than I remember. :) He's our last little baby so I am going to hold him and kiss him and enjoy him as much as I can during the first few months because soon enough he will be off playing. 

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