Sunday, June 23, 2013

Joy Project

216) Spontaneous hugs from Lainey -- Lainey's never been a kid who likes to cuddle much. But recently she has been throwing her whole little body on mine and giving me the biggest hugs ever. This is often followed by an enthusiastic "i love you Mom!" I can think of nothing better.

 217) Sleep -- last night I slept for 11.5 hours. This was the first time I have slept well (more than 2 hours in a row- 7 hours total) for two weeks. Sleep in WI was sketchy for me and the 2.5 pound baby sitting on my bladder doesn't go unnoticed at night. So I've been walking around in a bit of a cloud. When I got up this morning I was just hoping it was at least 7:30, possibly 8:00. It was 11:00 AM and Victor had somehow managed to get himself and the kids up dressed, fed, and out of the house for church without waking me up. That's impressive! (I was very, very tired!) He's going to be out of town all week so this night of sleep was especially appreciated.

 218) Low temps and low humidity this summer so far. I've made it to the third trimester without being uncomfortable due to heat. Yay!

 219) 24 hours to myself. On a quest for sleep and trying to feel rejuvenated before a very busy month with quite a bit of travel for Victor I went up to DC for a night and played tourist. I visited the supreme court and Library of Congress. I've been in both buildings before but it's been quite a while. I ate a quite dinner by myself, watched TV, and read a book. I did not sleep well which was disappointing but the quiet time was still appreciated.

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