Saturday, June 29, 2013

28 weeks! Baby #4

28 weeks with my little helper watching closely

For Comparison:
21 weeks

How am I doing?

Overall, very well.
I had an OB appointment this week.
CBC and one hour glucose test went well - not anemic or diabetic.
I was up 12 pounds at 27.5 weeks.
The belly measured 27.5 cm at 27.5 weeks.
This might be the first time I've actually measured as big as I'm supposed to be. Ha!
We'll see how I measure at the next appointment.
I wonder if this will be our biggest baby?
I have been running 20-24 miles a week still without much trouble (4 runs a week).
I also take 1-2 weight lifting classes a week.

Baby boy goes fairly unnoticed during the busy days but moves around a lot when I lay down.
Lainey can hardly contain her excitement about having a new baby in the house.
Erik watched him move all over my belly the other day which seemed to amuse him more than the other kids. 

It's been 90+ degrees and humid out this week.
Summer is here. Yuck!
Oh well!

The past 2.5 weeks have been exhausting.
We went to WI for 5 days which was fun but tiring.
We were home for a few days after getting back on a normal schedule.
Then Victor left for a week of Navy duty.
The week went well (aside from one day when I was exhausted and the kids were chaotic) but I can tell you managing 3 kids, a part-time job, swim lessons, nature classes, 5 major building projects that all were pressing this week, a trip to DC for my appointment, keeping up with cooking, cleaning, and exercise in addition to being quite pregnant left this girl tired.  Very, very tired.

Victor has another similar trip coming up later this month. 
I can hardly wait. Ha!

Overall, I still think this pregnancy has been my easiest and for that I am so grateful!
Hoping the next 10-12 weeks continue to go well.
We can't wait to me this little guy and see what he looks like.

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