Tuesday, May 22, 2012

12 for 21

Weird!  That's how it feels to be rushing through my normal Tuesday schedule today while Daron is in the hospital about to get his stem cell transplant.  Erik has been asking if we can fly to California to be with him (and see those factories they took out of Mommy that he is so curious about)!

Since I can't be there physically I thought I would ask my blog readers to join me in praying for Daron at 12:00 everyday for the next 21 days!  (12 for 21)  I think I have people reading this in 4-5 different time zones.  Daron is still doing quite well but the next 3-4 weeks will be tough.  Hopefully, we can cover at least 4-5 hours a day in prayer for him during this tough time.

Thanks for joining me/us!!


mom2three said...

Daron is in our prayers, Ann. Hugs to you all.

Julie said...

Good idea! I'll set my phone to remind me at noon. Who knows what time zone it will decide to choose each day.

Anonymous said...

Great idea.Janet

adoptsocialwork said...

that's a great idea Ann! will be praying. also I tried to upload some pics of our time in MD to my facebook but it won't let me. sad. ;) but my Mom pointed out that the pic turned out well from Vic's bday! and what a great treat for all of us, the cheesecake ! :D