Sunday, June 27, 2010

Vacation Update MN portion: Long paragragh style

The last 3-4 days of our trip were spent in Minnesota Hudson, WI.  We stayed with our friends Barb and Bob Peterson, parents of Mike Peterson.   They own a beautiful bed-and-breakfast type home and are kind enough to open their home to us when we are in the area.  They are wonderful people; we are thankful to know them!

We flew from Milwaukee to Minneapolis on Saturday, rented a car, and drove 45 minutes 90 minutes to the Peterson's house.  Shortly after we got there Janet, Dennis, Luke, Brad, Julie, Elliana, and Wyatt arrived after a quick 5 hour long 7 hour, painful tear-filled drive from Souix Falls.  I am so thankful that they were willing to make such a long trek to see us!  You are the best!  I loved spending time with you even though it was short.

Mike and Stephanie were there for the weekend too.  They have two girls, 5 and 7, who played so nicely with our 1 and 2 year old.  Very sweet. You are a fun family to know and we always look forward to seeing you!

Erik had a 103+ degree fever for almost 4 days (the entire time we were in Minnesota).  He didn't feel great but had no other symptoms (other than vomiting once on day 4) so he still found enough energy to drive the gator truck and ride on the ATV's with Samantha.  He loved them and is still talking about it.

Our time in Minnesota was busy!  Saturday evening 30+ people came over to the Peterson's house for a BBQ. Victor has known most of these friends for 20-25 years so it is always fun to see everyone.  I think it is so nice that everyone makes it a priority to get together when we are in town.  Thanks!

Ashley and Rob, the Hofers, and Robertson's were at the party too (although dennis, luke, and brad skipped out to eat at Ruth Chris).  I loved spending time with family too.

Sunday morning Julie and I went on a long walk, the kids rested and played, and then Lainey and I joined the Hofer bunch for lunch before the left town.

Sunday afternoon/evening Lainey and I drove over to Randal and Nancy Bakers.  David and Justin were there too which was a nice surprise.  Lainey is a easy going, social baby so she seems to love going places and meeting new people. Thanks for dinner Nancy -- it was great!  I was happy to see you.

Erik and Victor stayed "home" all day Sunday encouraging Erik to rest since he still had a high fever.  Sunday was Father's Day as well -- last year Erik was sick on Mother's Day (hand, foot, and mouth); this year Father's Day!  We are so thankful to be parents of our 2 sweet babies.

Monday morning we ended up taking Erik in to the doctor just to make sure an ear infection wasn't causing his prolonged fever. Ears were normal and his fever broke later that evening.

Monday afternoon/evening we spent time with Grandma Sandy and Aunt Susan.  We celebrated Elaina's birthday a third time with a special Chinese birthday cake!  Very fun!  It was so nice of you to order a cake for her.  Grandma was able to help with baths for both kids which was nice.  Grandma Sandy brought Erik a doctor's kit which he LOVES!!  Unfortunately, it got left on the plane -- I found a cheap replacement kit for him at Toys R Us.  It is fun to see how much he likes it.  He gives Lainey's dolls check ups in addition to all of us.  He even refers to himself as Dr. Chen.  Very cute!

We flew home Tuesday.  Erik and Elaina did great on the first flight.  On the second flight Erik started bawling shortly after getting on the plane.  He was inconsolable and cried all through take off until the stewardess told me I could pick him up.  Once I could hold him he was fine.  I really think he was sad/confused as to why we were getting on a second plane because all of our flights have been direct before. I think he wanted to be home and thought we were there after getting off the first plane. I am sure everyone else on the plane was annoyed but I really just felt bad for the little guy.

Overall, we had a wonderful trip! Lots of great memories for both the kids and parents!  Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to make our trip special!

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