Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer Book Club

Weekly Update has been posted; monthly wrap up to follow soon. 

Join us here.

Notable Moments


Yesterday Lainey was awake while Erik was taking a nap. Apparently, she was bored because she went over to the steps and started "yelling,"  'air-eh, air-eh, air-eh'.  I picked her up and said, "Erik's sleeping honey." She tilted her head at me and with a puzzled look on her face said, "Dada?"  Sorry honey-- he is at work; you are stuck with me!


Erik is generally is a sweet little boy.  Some of the things he says really melt my heart.  Here is a good example of that....  He had been playing with Lainey but was going to leave to go somewhere with Victor.  Before leaving he stopped to give Lainey a hug and unprompted said, "Lainey, we sure do love you."  Cute boy!

This morning our friends Sean and Liam were here.  Erik was being quite bossy and impatient.  After they left he mentioned Liam too me.  I asked him, "What did you do  while Liam and Sean were here today?"  His response was funny (but did not melt my heart)..."Liam (14 months) was trying to shut the door of my refrigerator and I was really, really frustrated so I pushed him."  I mentioned to him that I thought he had been a little sassy and he corrected me, " No mommy, I am BIG sassy."  He does not want to ever be referred to as little.

For the past month or so Erik has been consistently calling Victor by name.  It is quite funny.  I think he thinks the name Victor is synonymous with Daddy because if you ask him what letter Victor starts with he says, D just like he knows daddy starts with.  I think this is cute for now but hoping it doesn't last too long.  I wonder when Lainey will starting referring to her daddy as Victor?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Teething is Tough!

Poor baby girl has cut 4 new teeth during the past 4 days (from 2 teeth to 6)!  She has been really miserable for a week. I think there are 2 more teeth not far behind but I am hoping my happy girl will be back soon. 

(sad baby)

(happy baby)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Teething and Eating and Sleeping

Lainey has had an eventful 2 weeks...


On her first birthday she only had 2 teeth -- now she was 4 with 4 more teeth on the verge of breaking through her gums.  Poor baby girl -- she has been miserable this week.  I really haven't been able to put her down at all.  Not that 2 have broken through she seems more comfortable.  Her poor mouth has been so sore it looked like a wound.  Ouch!


We knew/suspected that a dairy intolerance was causing a lot of Lainey's stuffiness and ear infections as a little baby so I had cut dairy out of my diet around Christmas.  During the past month I have been able to add some back in to my diet without it bothering her.  Since she had done well with that we decided to try and give her whole milk when she turned one.  I noticed that she had really loose poops and a diaper rash within 24 hours of starting the milk.  At her 1 year check up I asked her pediatrician if I should stop the dairy.  She said to keep trying it for a total of a week.  Well, by the end of the week it was clear dairy was not working for the baby girl.  Her poops were just water and her bottom was raw.  She had never had a diaper rash before so this was unusual for her.  We switched her over to soy milk for the rest of vacation (8 ounces a day to supplement nursing) and her diaper rash and loose poops cleared up within 24 hours.  I am not sure when we will try dairy again.  For now I am still nursing her about 3 times a day and giving her 8 ounces (or so) of frozen breast milk from my stash. 


Lainey started sleeping through the night about a week ago.  Finally!  She did get up once 2 nights this week but considering how bad her mouth was feeling I will not complain.  7:30 - 5:45 or so has been her night.  Yay!!  She is still taking 2 naps a day -- usually around 9:00am and 1:00pm for 1 to 1/2 hours each time.  I am hoping that she doesn't regress, since I have now said this out loud!

Vacation Update MN portion: Long paragragh style

The last 3-4 days of our trip were spent in Minnesota Hudson, WI.  We stayed with our friends Barb and Bob Peterson, parents of Mike Peterson.   They own a beautiful bed-and-breakfast type home and are kind enough to open their home to us when we are in the area.  They are wonderful people; we are thankful to know them!

We flew from Milwaukee to Minneapolis on Saturday, rented a car, and drove 45 minutes 90 minutes to the Peterson's house.  Shortly after we got there Janet, Dennis, Luke, Brad, Julie, Elliana, and Wyatt arrived after a quick 5 hour long 7 hour, painful tear-filled drive from Souix Falls.  I am so thankful that they were willing to make such a long trek to see us!  You are the best!  I loved spending time with you even though it was short.

Mike and Stephanie were there for the weekend too.  They have two girls, 5 and 7, who played so nicely with our 1 and 2 year old.  Very sweet. You are a fun family to know and we always look forward to seeing you!

Erik had a 103+ degree fever for almost 4 days (the entire time we were in Minnesota).  He didn't feel great but had no other symptoms (other than vomiting once on day 4) so he still found enough energy to drive the gator truck and ride on the ATV's with Samantha.  He loved them and is still talking about it.

Our time in Minnesota was busy!  Saturday evening 30+ people came over to the Peterson's house for a BBQ. Victor has known most of these friends for 20-25 years so it is always fun to see everyone.  I think it is so nice that everyone makes it a priority to get together when we are in town.  Thanks!

Ashley and Rob, the Hofers, and Robertson's were at the party too (although dennis, luke, and brad skipped out to eat at Ruth Chris).  I loved spending time with family too.

Sunday morning Julie and I went on a long walk, the kids rested and played, and then Lainey and I joined the Hofer bunch for lunch before the left town.

Sunday afternoon/evening Lainey and I drove over to Randal and Nancy Bakers.  David and Justin were there too which was a nice surprise.  Lainey is a easy going, social baby so she seems to love going places and meeting new people. Thanks for dinner Nancy -- it was great!  I was happy to see you.

Erik and Victor stayed "home" all day Sunday encouraging Erik to rest since he still had a high fever.  Sunday was Father's Day as well -- last year Erik was sick on Mother's Day (hand, foot, and mouth); this year Father's Day!  We are so thankful to be parents of our 2 sweet babies.

Monday morning we ended up taking Erik in to the doctor just to make sure an ear infection wasn't causing his prolonged fever. Ears were normal and his fever broke later that evening.

Monday afternoon/evening we spent time with Grandma Sandy and Aunt Susan.  We celebrated Elaina's birthday a third time with a special Chinese birthday cake!  Very fun!  It was so nice of you to order a cake for her.  Grandma was able to help with baths for both kids which was nice.  Grandma Sandy brought Erik a doctor's kit which he LOVES!!  Unfortunately, it got left on the plane -- I found a cheap replacement kit for him at Toys R Us.  It is fun to see how much he likes it.  He gives Lainey's dolls check ups in addition to all of us.  He even refers to himself as Dr. Chen.  Very cute!

We flew home Tuesday.  Erik and Elaina did great on the first flight.  On the second flight Erik started bawling shortly after getting on the plane.  He was inconsolable and cried all through take off until the stewardess told me I could pick him up.  Once I could hold him he was fine.  I really think he was sad/confused as to why we were getting on a second plane because all of our flights have been direct before. I think he wanted to be home and thought we were there after getting off the first plane. I am sure everyone else on the plane was annoyed but I really just felt bad for the little guy.

Overall, we had a wonderful trip! Lots of great memories for both the kids and parents!  Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to make our trip special!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Vacation Update WI portion: Long paragraph style

We had a great time during our trip to WI/MN.  I think it is much more enjoyable to visit the midwest during summer than winter.  The weather was cool, 60's and 70's,  but little to no rain so it was great.

We spent the first night in Waukesha and stayed with our friends Tony and Katie Pantzlaff.  Thank you for hosting us!  We had a great time.  Erik got to drive Eli's jeep. Very happy little boy!  Katie was kind enough to host a girl's poker night -- Jill Burie, Katie Pantzlaff, Kristi Kruepke, Kali (Kristi's sister), and I played a tough match.  I came in a disappointing second, losing to Kali!  Prior to the poker match the Burie's fixed a fabulous steak dinner and Jill and I were able to escape for while and take a long walk like we used to do 3 times a week or so.

The rest of the time in WI we stayed at my parents house.  None of the boys were home so we got to take over the entire basement.  We did lots of fun things in WI -- visit mom's class and school playground, go fishing, visit Papa's (Tom and Gin Kestell) farm, visit old friends, birthday party for Lainey, Camp Anokijig, eat good food, long walks, trips to the gym. 

There are a handful of people I make a point to see when I am back (aside from family) and I was able to spend time with almost all of them while I was there.  I love that!  I was able to spend time with the Scherer's, Nicki and baby Charlie, Katie and her girls (pregnant with her 4th), Kristal and girls (pregnant with her 3rd and 4th), Diana (pregnant with her first), Pantzlaff's, Buries, Kruepke's.    I am so thankful to have such kind and wonderful friends. 

My favorite part of the trip though is watching my kids have so much fun.  It is fun to watch their relationships grow.  I love that Erik can remember things from past trips and eagerly anticipate them when we return.  I love to see him be braver at the farm.  I love that he wants his papa to give him a bath and tuck him in bed at night.  (So funny to see my dad doing those things.)  I love watching Lainey shriek with delight when she sees people she loves and shake her head no when I want to take her away from grandma.  What a sweet stinker! 

A few things I don't want to forget....

1-  Lainey and the fish... 
               She loves animals.  All of them and has no fear!  She reached her little hands out willingly to the cows (big and small), spent as much time as she could with Lynx and Maggie, and even wanted to hold the fish we caught from the pond. 

2- Erik on the farm...
                 When we took Erik on the farm last fall he loved feeding the cows but wouldn't go anywhere near the tractors.  This time he climbed on all the tractors with no fear.  He didn't want to get on the big tractor when it was turned on but otherwise he thought they were great. 

3- Erik with grandparents...
                 Erik has spent quite a bit of time with his grandparents recently and loves it.  He is usually quite timid about me leaving him with someone but had no qualms about it while we were there.  Victor and I went on a walk one night.  Erik usually would request to go with us but instead he said, "Grandma and Papa are staying with me?"  We left, he was happy as a clam. 

4-   Lainey with grandparents....
             Lainey has never had an ounce of stranger anxiety.  She may need to be restricted in the amount of time she is allotted with grandparents (especially Grandma) as her affection towards them is so great that she would fuss and cry if Victor tried to take her away from them and cling fast to her grandparents if I tried to take her (at least no tears for me).  Hmph!  I didn't hear them complain about it much!

We had a great time!  Thanks for hosting us!

Minnesota update to follow....

We had a great time!  Thanks for hosting us!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We are back!

From a great 11 day trip to WI/MN.  I have lots of photos to share but it is 11:09 pm 11:16 pm and I need to get to bed.  For now, I am going to leave you with this....

Not as exciting as pictures of the kids?  Maybe not for you, but I would have to say I am quite excited about the awesome veggies that have been growing in our garden.  So fun!  Thank you Leslie and Cullen for watering the garden while we were gone.

Also, if you have been reading So Long, Insecurity feel free to leave a comment over on Open Up and Read. We are planning on reading Castaway Kid by r.b. Mitchell during July so if that interests you, you may want to check your library for a copy. 

Vacation updates soon!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

12 months Old

Hi Sweet Lainey --

What a busy month it has been.  We went up Princeton and spent a weekend with the Chens.  I spent 5 days in Atlanta while you and Erik stayed home with Victor and Grandma Kay.  Now we are spending time in WI/MN visiting family and friends.  Busy!

You have changed a lot this month.  You prefer walking over crawling.  You are talking more now -- consistently use words for mommy, dada, dog, cat, bye-bye, thank you, cheese (when taking pictures), uh-oh.  You like to point at things and have no problem getting your needs met! 

You are very social and have a fun, silly personality.  You have never had any stranger anxiety (except when Uncle Daron held you) and I never seen you fearful at all.  You love animals and babies. 

Eating...  Still a sore subject.  For about 2 weeks you seemed to actually eat like a normal 12 month old. Now you are back to strictly eating fruit.  If you offer you ice cream or cake you will of course eat that too but most other food gets spit out. 

Nursing...  When I got back from my conference I my supply was a little low.  You were ticked and didn't want to nurse.  I decided to wean you completely.  After about 24 hours of weaning you decided you wanted to nurse again so we started back.  Now you are nursing 3-4 times a day and taking 8-10 ounces of whole milk or pumped breast milk throughout the day.  I think the transition will be pretty easy with you although you really love bottles and refuse to drink out of most cups so that transition will likely be tricky!

Sleeping...  You are starting to sleep "through the night".  It is not uncommon for you to sleep from 7:30-4:30 or 5:00 but then you don't want to go back to sleep.  Not so great. Hopefully you will stretch it out to 5:30 soon.  Sometimes you get up and want to nurse around 1:00 or so. If you do this you will usually sleep until 6:30 or so.  I am not sure which I prefer.  You still get the plug for sleeping.  We need to break the midnight feeds and plug this month.  I am not looking forward to that.


Length: 30 inches (80%)
Weight: 20 pounds (35%) - this may be a little inflated as it was taken after your two week eating "binge"-- I am curious to see how your most recent eating strike has affected this

Top 12 Favorite Things:

12.  watermelon
11. beans
10. cake
9. babies
8. dogs
7. cats
6. dolls
5. blueberries
4. people/socializing
3. milk
2. extended family
1. Mommy, Daddy, Erik

You are a joy!  We are so blessed to have you as part of our family!
We love you!


Summer Book Club

Don't forget to join the book club discussion --- Open Up and Read

2nd 1st Birthday Party

It's late but I wanted to update with a couple photos.  Baby girl had a fun birthday celebration today surrounded by lots of family and friends.  Here are a couple photos -- more to come tomorrow!

Okay-- only one photo -- computer is too slow.  More to come!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby!

Happy Birthday Lainey-Lane, Lainey-bug, Elaina!  We love you!

You are a delightful little girl!  I am so thankful to be your mommy!
Happy 1st birthday!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

First 1st Birthday Party

Ladybug snacks and cake
I also had pizza with red and black toppings plus a chocolate cake
Party favors
Party Girl
Isn't she so sweet!
Guest of honor and her "date"
Good thing there wasn't any kissing since he vomited shortly after eating  pizza and cake.
I blame his rocky stomach on Uncle Colin; who passes the blame onto Grandpa Baker.
Anyway--poor baby. I need to be better about making sure he eats healthy food even at special outings.
He has gotten sick the last two times we have had "junk" food (parties with friends at our house) but really isn't sick-the food just upsets his stomach.
Colin, who has an equally weak stomach, said it helps if he sticks to eating bread, fruit, veggies, chicken, and pork.  
We will have Erik call you Colin the next time I try to give him carrots instead of pizza at a birthday party.

Erik (about 1 minute before he came and told me his tummy was sick) and Cullen with 
Lainey, Hannah, Abbie, and Katie!
Everyone was wearing red and black for the ladybug party.
Birthday cake
For a girl who often just spits out or smashes her food,
she sure had no problem consuming a large portion of pizza, cake, and ice cream.
Thanks for helping me celebrate!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ready to Party!

Lainey's first 1st birthday party is tomorrow.  I worked all afternoon and evening getting the cakes ready.  Hopefully, they will taste good.  I will post the after pictures tomorrow.  Can't believe my baby is almost one.  Where did the year go?

Ladybug cake for my Lainey-bug
Yellow cake underneath lots of frosting

Smash cakes

Chocolate cake with a minty fudge filling for the adult-folk

Want to join us?  I promise there will be lots of left overs!

Green Family Fun

Yum Yum Yum!!
If you have never planted a garden of your own I would recommend it.
Erik and I love picking a few fresh veggies every day -- it is a good way to make peas/carrots/beans seem exciting.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Summer Book Club

Join us for a discussion over here!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dress Up -- Brother Style

Lainey is one busy baby.  Just look how cooperative she was when I tried to get a good shot of her playing "dress-up."  She makes me smile!

Erik was very excited that I let him share his underwear with Lainey!  Lainey seemed quite proud of them.  I really love being a mom of two -- so much fun to watch them interact!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Shrieked a double-dimpled happy little boy as he raced down the airport hallway to greet his even happier mommy.

The CME conference in Atlanta was a great time of learning, fellowship, and rest but I must say I am happy to be home!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"lainey, kiss the baby!"

lainey loves her baby.  this is genetic.

lainey likes to make funny faces.  this is also genetic.

more fun with grandma

here's lainey's turn

up on the slide

with grandma kay.  thank you for watching us this weekend!

Summer Book Club

Can you believe it is already June 1st?  Amazing!  Today is the day our summer reading adventure begins! To join us and let us know your likes and dislikes regarding the book please join Julie and I on our new book blog....  Open Up and Read .  We hope you will join us!