Saturday, March 28, 2009

18 1/2 months

I took Erik in for his 18 month check up yesterday. Here are his stats....

Length: 32 1/2 inches (50%)
Weight: 24 pounds 12 ounces (30%)
Head Circumference: 19 inches -- I think (75%)

He is doing well. It is amazing how much he has learned this month. He is talking a lot -- tries to repeat almost anything you ask him too. He has started occasionally putting 2 words together as well. This week he has started to say 1, 2, 3. I think he may have picked that up from Elliana. I don't think he understands counting completely but when we were in the car yesterday he said, " Bus. one, two. " Which was correct. It is so fun to see him learn!

Topics of discussion at this 18 month check up included...

1- Reflux. His symptoms have improved significantly since starting him on Prevacid 6 weeks ago. It seems like it is still bothering him at night 1 -2 times a week so we are going to double his dose for 4 weeks and see if it is even better.

2- Allergies. I am starting Erik in preschool in the fall and they need guidelines regarding exposure to peanuts -- since he tested positive for an allergy to them. I am going to schedule him for an appointment with an allergist prior to September and hope to be able to expose him to nuts in an controlled environment (at the allergists) to see if he has a reaction. I would hate to have to segregate him from other kids eating peanut butter, etc. if it isn't necessary.

3- Drooling/Chewing. Erik drools A LOT!!! His shirt is soaked many times throughout the day. He also gags on his food if it isn't cut into microscopic pieces. This is abnormal for an 18 month old. I asked the Dr. about it and she agreed that although developmentally he is normal (or ahead of schedule) his swallowing/chewing coordination seems to be a little weak. Her son has had significant problems with this so she game me some ideas/exercises to try at home with Erik. If the drooling/gagging doesn't improve over the next few months we may need to see a speech pathologist for some help. This doesn't seem to affect Erik much but I get nervous about having other people feed him since most 18 month olds can tolerate larger bites than he can.

There was something else we talked about but I can't remember what is was at the moment. Oh well! Erik is doing great! I am so thankful for my healthy little boy.


Julie said...
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Julie said...

You're on a blogging roll - 4 in a row. I'm very interested to hear about the excercises she gave you to do. Keep me posted!

Unknown said...

Grandma and Grandpa Chen got attached to this blog. It's great to see the update again. Thank you Ann.