We have had a nice week. It snowed here Sunday night. We actually got about 5 inches on the ground. Unlike Wisconsin winters, this is very unusual in Virginia so any snow we get is actually exciting. Erik really enjoyed playing in the snow this week. He shouts "
noe" out the window (can't say the S). It is cute. I have some pictures but am too tired tonight to download them off of my camera and post them. I shoveled our front walk that morning and Erik followed behind me with a shovel of his own. Pretty cute!
The best part about snow in VA is that it doesn't stick around long. It is supposed to be 75 degrees this weekend. Snow is so much more enjoyable when you know your not going to be shoveling continuously for 5 months. :)
Every Thursday we go to playgroup with 4 friends and their one year
olds. I look forward to this outing every week as I get to socialize with my friends while our kids play. Today was James' 2
nd birthday (hard to believe all of the kids will be two in the next 6 months). Erik is the youngest of the group (by 6 weeks). They play well together but recently Erik has been getting bullied a little. First, Cullen seemed to enjoy pushing him. This has improved significantly during the past week. Now, though, Sean (who in general is as sweet and laid back as a one year old can be) has picked Erik as his target. Erik had an extra tough time with this today because just before playgroup we were playing chase and he tripped and slammed his forehead into the wooden corner. He has a HUGE goose egg. At playgroup Erik and Sean both loved the Elmo balloon (Elmo is a hot item amongst the one year
olds) -- feeling a bit defensive regarding ownership of the balloon Sean pulled Erik's hair and then later pulled him over. Normally, this wouldn't bother Erik much but today he milked it as much as one can and just cried and cried -- big alligator tears. Oh well, I am sure he will learn to stand his ground soon -- and will probably choose to pick on his baby sister. Poor baby girl doesn't know what she is getting into.
Saying this -- Erik isn't always innocent! He did run Cullen over with his car one day when he was feeling
particularly feisty and he pushed a 12 month old at the library this morning. Apparently, though he seems to respect the role as runt at playgroup. Not sure why but all of the kids seem to follow this. Until we joined the group Sean (the next youngest) was the scapegoat.
It is interesting to watch my baby become a boy. It is hard to know when to step in and comfort/referee and when to let them work it out on their own. Today Erik seemed genuinely sad and needed comforting but I am also aware that he is a smart little boy and is likely capable of overreacting to a minor infraction in order to get attention/other kid in trouble. Hopefully, I will choose the right times to ignore vs comfort/reprimand.
All in all, we had a great time at James' party. I am so grateful to have met such wonderful friends. They are great friends and mom's and I look forward to getting to know
each other better and to face more parenting challenges together!
I will post some photos this weekend. Good night!