Sunday, January 18, 2009

Silly Erik

Erik is such a fun little boy.  He has been a little under the weather this weekend.  Last night he had a fever of 101.3.  He is teething and got his MMR last week which may explain the fever.  He doesn't have a cold, is on antibiotics for an ear infection, and is acting healthy so we are not very concerned.  Even though is isn't feeling perfect he is acting normal.  Here are a couple of videos showing his sillier side.  Enjoy!

Erik  loves having his ears looked at with an otoscope.  This surprised the doctor quite a bit as most kids his age HATE it.  He loves taking medicine as well.  This am he was playing with a syringe and enjoyed giving Victor shots.  Very cute!  I also liked playing with syringes as a child -- even got called to the principals office once because of it!  :)

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