Sunday, May 29, 2016

Recurrent Strep

So strep throat seems to have found our house and decided it likes us.  So annoying and hits at very inconvenient times!

Our first round was in late December.  Two days before flying to WI.  Lainey tested positive; Kyle and I both developed symptoms and were treated.

Second round was in March.  Same week that Lainey was hit with a golf club, breaking her maxilla.  All three boys had it - but I didn't take anyone in until we were five days into the ordeal because only Carson developed super high fevers.  Lainey was also on antibiotics due to the fracture.

Third round - Memorial Day weekend -starting 24 hours after Erik breaks off half his tooth.  Lainey and Kyle have tested positive.  Carson seems fine so far.  Erik is also on Amoxicillin due to his tooth injury.   I swear I have it, but my rapid test was negative (and done under the table) so no antibiotics for me, yet. 

I hope this is it!  If it strike again, I might ask that we all get a Rocephin shot and hopefully get rid of it for good?!  New experience for us.  

Never boring.  That's for sure!

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