Sunday, May 15, 2016

34 - Daron's Cake

My dear brother Daron, would be 34 today if he were still here.
Oh how I miss that brother of mine!

Copycatting my Aunt Janet, I have decided to make a cake on/around his birthday each year and give it to someone who has been important in our lives or needs a boost.

The kids and I were a bit of a scrappy team at the beginning of the school year.  I am so thankful that all three kids have had wonderful teachers this year!!!  They have been such a blessing to our family! 

Erik was especially struggling last summer.  He seemed affected the most by Victor leaving plus he had a really not-nice teacher for the first three quarters of 1st grade (which left him hating school).

I can't really express how thankful I am for the teacher's they have this year.  Erik once again enjoys school.  Not once have I heard him complain about a day at school this year.  I am SO thankful for that!!!

Since all the teachers have been wonderful, I decided to share this tradition with all of them.

Carson's teachers were - Mrs. Santos and Mrs. Leget (full time aide in the pre-k class).
Lainey has Mrs. Gruber (the same first grade teacher that Erik was switched into for the last quarter of his first grade year.  She is wonderful.)
Erik has Mrs. Augustin.

Daron's favorite cake is a poppyseed cake with caramel frosting and a custard "filling."  This is quite a time consuming process!  I really wasn't impressed with my results this year (might need to make it more than once a year), but I decided the results weren't really that important.

Below is a photo of Erik, Lainey, and Carson with their wonderful teachers.  (Don't be fooled by Erik's scowl.  He likes his teacher a lot; he doesn't like photos.)

 Mrs. Santos has taught all three of them in pre-k! (The 2nd one, on the left.)
She has taught all three of my kids to read!

1 comment:

Austin & Terri said...

What a great tradition. We sure do miss and love Daron. I have never tried a cake like they before! Do you like it too?