Sunday, August 30, 2015

School is back in session!

My kids started school two weeks ago.  Erik is in 2nd, Lainey in 1st, and Carson in pre-k.  It's a little hard to believe that I have three kids old enough to get on the bus each morning!

Last year we had a really hard time with Erik's teacher.   He was quite a bit ahead of the kids in his class, and rather than adjusting the curiculum for him, she just ignored him completely.  She actually told me, "He's too far ahead, there is nothing I can do." 

Now Erik is smart, but he's no genius, and with 120 kids in the grade I promise you there were things she could do.

We ultimately ended up switching him to a different class for the fourth quarter, after trying a few other solutions suggested by the principal.  Needless, to say, it was stressful and I was feeling a bit anxious about the teachers for this year.

I am happy to say, Lainey and Carson both have teachers that we know and like.
Erik, as the oldest, has a teacher unfamiliar to me, but first impression was very good.  And two of the kids in his class, have parents who teach at that school so I'm pretty sure, she is a highly valued teacher, if other teachers trust their kids to her.

Our first week back was eventful as Erik ran (hard) into a pole at recess, resulting in a HUGE goose egg and medium size gash on his forehead.   He recovered just fine, but I got a call from the nurse on day 1.  Ha!

Poor Carson was left on the bus on his second day ever riding the bus.  He gets home around noon so there are only about 15 pre-k kids on the bus.  Apparently the bus driver completely forgot about his stop, because he drove right past my sitter and Kyle without even slowing down.   I was working and didn't realize he was forgotten until about 20 minutes after his drop time.  By then, the whole route was finished.  Thankfully, we caught it before the bus driver went home!

Carson seemed fairly upset that day, but got back on the bus the next day without any issues. Ha!

Praying for a peaceful, happy school year for all three of my kiddos!

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