Sunday, August 30, 2015

Kyle at 2!

My sweet baby boy is TWO years old!
I have officially left babyland behind.

I have loved, loved, loved having babies and am SO thankful for them all!
I truly can think of nothing better than snuggling with a sweet new babe.

That being said, I kind of wanted to jump for joy when Kyle turned two!
I am ready to move forward with our kiddos (and have already started to do so).

Kyle has really, really blossomed during the past few months.
He talks a LOT and puts 3-4 words together.
He speaks in a very high pitched squeaky voice and at times sounds hoarse.  It is completely adorable.  I have been told by an ENT (Nila) to encourage him not to yell (regarding hoarseness).  This is a bit laughable as he is extremely expressive!  I have also tried to get him to mimic me speaking with a low tone of voice.  He can do that, but still speaks in a squeaky high pitched voice about 75% of the time.

Kyle spent about 10 months fussing (10-20 months) a LOT!!
Around 20 months, this decreased drastically (AMEN!).  He is still very opinionated and emotional (love it!) but the crying occurs less often than laughing now.

He is a super funny little boy!
His sense of humor and sass have his siblings and I in stitches throughout the day.

He is a climber and is constantly on the counter.
He loves being outdoors, reading, playing chase, eating, swimming, and laughing.
He loves trucks, babies, and dogs more than anything else.
He cherishes his siblings and wants to be a big kid for sure.  I did move him up to the preschool room at church a couple weeks ago.  He is thrilled to be in the same class as Carson.  Carson loves having him there too.  

Since the kids have gone back to school, my sweet baby has been a bit sad.   I catch him at least once a day talking to himself saying, "Erik, Lainey, Carson school? Bus?"  

Then when we get Carson, he will ask, "Erik, Nainey school?"  
He greets them with a big hug when they get home.

He sleeps well.  Goes to bed around 8 PM and is rescued from his crib around 7 AM.  He takes one 2 hour nap most days.  He does NOT transfer from car to bed so if he falls asleep while we are running errands that is his nap for the day.  I really think he will likely try to give up naps completely in the next 6-12 months.   This summer he really wasn't happy about napping as he knew no one else was napping.  He would often yell out, " I go outside! No seep!"  Haha!  Poor little guy!  (Carson has been napping again since starting pre-k, so Kyle hasn't fought his naps.) 

We have a sweet bedtime routine in place.  I read him 3-4 short books (he sits next to me on the rocker, won't sit in my lap).  When done, he lets me hold him while we pray and I sing him a quick song.  Then he is willing to get in his crib, tucks a "baba" under each arm and says, "Rub back mama."  I rub his back, sneak away to turn on his music and shut off the lights.  He pops up his head and says, " More back Mama!"   I rub his back for another 30-60 seconds then leave the room.  He then goes to sleep peacefully.

He is really growing up, as for months he would scream and yell and kick when being put to bed.  It never lasted more than 5 minutes but it happened every night.  I'm thankful he has learned to go to bed peacefully.

My little guy has a BIG spark in both eyes!  I love him through and through and look forward to time this year with just my little buddy by my side.

Happy birthday dear boy!
You are a blessing and a delight.
I am so thankful you are mine!

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