Thursday, March 6, 2014

Kyle - 6 Months

My baby boy is 6 months old!
It's hard to believe he's so big already but it's fun to watch him grow.

This has been a very chaotic month for our family!
Victor traveled for a few days, we went to Pennsylvania together, and then I made an emergency trip out to California.  Phew!

What's Kyle been up to??

Rolling and rolling!  He can roll to get wherever he wants to go. So cute!  He also props himself up on his arms and can rotate in a circle to get toys.  He sits well independently.  He has a hand in him mouth at all times.  If he takes his hand out of his mouth, it is often to grab onto his feet. 

He still likes to be swaddled for sleeping but he has started rolling onto his stomach while asleep.  He is really not a fan of that.  When his arms are swaddled he can't roll back, so he just hollers!  Because of that we stopped swaddling him.  He is getting up twice most nights.  The first time it is usually fairly early (10 pm) the second feeding ranges from 1 AM - 3AM.  Sometimes he sneaks in a 3rd feeding.  Overall, it's not too bad. 

Kyle is a giggly little baby.  If you say, "Boo!" or giggle at him he will laugh right back at you.

He is very observant and watches his siblings very closely.  Carson's already talking about how Kyle can't get his stuff.  Haha!

He is still exclusively nursing.   I think he nurses around 7-8 times in 24 hours. I've introduced food a few times and he's not very interested.  I'll continue to slowly introduce it. 

He has a little separation anxiety although it's very mild at this point.  He's spent a lot of time with Victor while I was in California last week (and will be again this weekend) and Kyle seems quite happy about that arrangement.  When I got home he cried when Victor left the room (while I holding him).  He had done that to Victor when I was holding him once.  Not fun!  He also let out a mild squawk when I left for work yesterday.

He has very, very fluffy stick up hair!  Took 4 kids to get one of those! (He can thank his Dad for that trait!)  He is quite fair, has dark blue/gray eyes, and red rosy cheeks (he can thank him Mom for that trait).

He seems quite determined to get places and doesn't every like to just sit still.

He's 17 pounds - 35%
(Lainey was 16 lbs, Erik 18 lbs, Carson 19 lbs)

He's a big blessing to our lives!  We are thankful for him!

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