Monday, October 28, 2013

Kyle - 2 months

Our sweet little guy is two months old already!

He has grown A LOT this month and no longer feels like a tiny newborn in your arms.

How are we doing?

He is nursing well now.  I haven't used the shield at all for a few weeks.  He eats every 2-3 hours around the clock.  He usually gives us one 4 hour stretch in the beginning of the night but that's it.

Up every 3 hours.  He is sleeping in his bouncy chair, as did all the other kids at this point.  He usually goes back to bed pretty quickly after eating.  I feed Kyle, then Victor changes his diaper and wraps him back up for bed.  He is swaddled and loves that!

Kyle is a pretty content little guy.  He likes to be held a lot but I don't mind that.  He is a little more awake during the day than he was a few weeks ago.  He stares at us and often furrows his brow at us suspiciously.  We are yet to see any full force grins but he gives us half grins, enough to suspect he has at least one dimple.  Ha!

He is strong and holds his head up well.  He rolled over once from his front to his back.  This surprised everyone, including Kyle. :)

He has mild reflux but nothing that needs treated.  He spits up a little throughout the day but no huge vomiting or irritability.  I am SO shocked by this because all the other kids had definite issues with reflux by this point and were on meds (or needed to be -Erik!).  I am hopeful Kyle has inherited Victor's stomach of steel.  We'll see, reflux is usually worse at 4 months of age and then gets progressively better.

Kyle is well loved by us all!  Lainey is SO thrilled to have a baby is the house.  I so happy she is old enough to enjoy him.  All of the kids love him and wait in line to hold him.  Haha!  Erik got brave and walked around carrying him the other day. (This was not approved by a parent and quickly corrected although I found it kind of cute.)

I truly am so thankful for a sweet little baby!  I know this is my last baby but am already a little sad thinking about that!

(I haven't taken him in for his 2 month appointment yet)
He's a pretty short little guy, I think.
He weighs almost 10.5 pounds now at 9 weeks.
 Midnight bonding
On a hike with mommy and daddy
Can you find the baby?!

 My three sons
 I am happier than I appear in this photo but it's the only one I have
of me and Kyle, aside from the hospital ones!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Why does it seem like he was just born two weeks ago instead of two months ago? :(