Monday, December 17, 2012

Notable Quotes - Andrew Pray (for my kids)

" My hope is that you would fully grasp that
you are a loved child of God, you have what it takes, and
God has empowered you today through Christ to the specific
work he has given you. Rest in that and live in the freedom of knowing
that if God is for you, who could ever be against you.  I love you and I am proud of you!"
-Andrew Pray, youth pastor, father of 3 who recently was hit by a bus and killed while out riding his bike

I am so tired and weary tonight, with a long list of things still to do.  I sat down for a 15 minute break and stumbled upon this quote.  I find it to be so incredibly encouraging and am tempted to get it printed and placed over each of my kids beds.  How I hope they go to bed each night knowing how deeply they are loved.

But it's not only my kids that need to know how loved they are, but my spouse, friends and family too.  Do my words and actions portray that regularly?  If I was hit by a bus tomorrow what words  would people be able to remember me by?  It is my prayer that I be a joy to those around me.

Below is a video made by the friends of Andrew Pray.  It consists of his last words on facebook and twitter.  He is gone too soon but hopefully his words will encourage others to live their life well.

Last Words

1 comment:

Julie said...

Awesome quote! I need to put that one to memory.