Sunday, December 16, 2012


That was the topic of today's sermon at church.  Kind of ironic given that so many people in our nation are heartbroken for the families in Newtown, CT, myself included.  Our pastor had that sermon planned some time in advance and said while he considered changing the topic last minute he felt like it was appropriate.

He talked about the trials of Elizabeth and Zachariah.  The spent most of their married life longing for a child, giving up hope completely, when God sent an angel to them proclaiming that Elizabeth would indeed have a son named John (the Baptist).

Elizabeth and Zacharias story is here

The point of his message was, "Don't give up hope even when things seem impossible."

I really was in need of hearing a message like this as our world is so broken.  It's filled with sickness, sadness, and conflict.  But there is always hope, God can bring blessings even out of the most awful situations.  Even in bleak situations I do think it is possible to find joy.

Pastor John closed the service by giving everyone a candle (even the kids!) and praying together as a church for the community of Newtown, CT.

As side points...

I found this blog post on mental illness to be really fascinating and sad.  It's a worthwhile read.  Go HERE.

Also, go HERE to read Daron's latest caring bridge update.  I'm headed out there on Wednesday, Victor will follow on Friday.  Daron and Feifei are hosting all of my siblings and our parents at the same time which will be fun, hopefully not too stressful for them (1/2 of us are staying in a hotel but there will still be a lot of people in their apartment next week). Please be praying for him and our family this season.

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