Monday, July 25, 2011

More Lainey

Lainey was not a happy baby.  She wasn't colicky but she didn't smile much either.  Toddlerhood (12-18 months) was one big fit!  Thankfully, during the past 6 months Lainey has been a happier little girl.  She is still quite opinionated and not afraid to throw a fit but for the most part she is charming and funny.  She seems to be quite smart and uses this to be very witty.   She makes me laugh often! 

Lainey has lots of adorable girly pajamas but she LOVES to wear Erik's  pajamas.  He is almost always willing to share with her so this is what she wears most night.  She reminds me of an adolescent basketball player for some reason. 

She loves to copy people and be involved in EVERYTHING!! (I like to be involved in lots of things so I understand!) In the photo above, she is happily nursing a baby.  Erik tries to nurse dolls too- he even told me the other day that I didn't need to feed Carson because he already gave him milk from his breast.  Great!

Here is another video of the girl showing how persistent she can be! 

Lainey and Beer

She thankfully, doesn't really have any idea what beer is and just wanted what I had.  I am a bit nervous about the teenage years.  Neither Victor nor I were very rebellious teens therefore dealing with teen rebellion seems a little scary too me!  Good thing we have 9-10 years before any teenagers live in our house!

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