This has been a BUSY month for our sweet baby boy! I flew to WI with all 3 kids and spent a week at my parents. We had a great time and Carson traveled well. Carson and I also spent 3 days in Kansas visiting family and celebrating my Grandma's 85th birthday! Lots and lots of fun this month but I am now quite tired!
What's Carson like at 4 months??
Carson is such a joy! He loves people and is full of smiles. He is most definitely the happiest baby I have ever met. He just makes you smile because he is always flashing his big, dimpled grin at you. He is very social and "talks and talks" with us. He has a delightful little giggle as well.
Still nursing exclusively. No issues with that. His reflux has been quite a bit worse the past few weeks. I cut dairy out a week ago and switched him from Zantac to Prevacid and things are improving.
Carson is a BIG boy! I am sure he is between 16-17 pounds but he hasn't had a check up for a while.
Beautiful Boy! |
Carson's sleeping pattern has been quite poor this month! He is going to bed around 8 pm now and getting up 2-3 times a night. Prior to switching him to Prevacid he was spending 3-4 hours awake at night just squirming and crying because he was uncomfortable. This has resolved with the new medicine but he has still been getting up every 2-3 hours most nights. I am hopeful we will get back to 1 feeding a night soon but we will see. I am very tired!
Carson takes 3 naps a day. He usually sleep for 1-2 hours about 2 hours after waking up, 2-3 hours in the afternoon, and 45 minutes in the early evening. Most days we are out and about in the morning though so the first nap gets disrupted. He doesn't complain too much and will usually sleep in 20-30 minute chunks in the morning. He is always happy when I put him down for his afternoon nap.
Carson is still swaddled tightly when sleeping. He sleeps in his "bouncy" chair still due to the reflux. Hopefully, we will get him in the crib soon as he is outgrowing the chair.
Rolls from front to back
Plays with his feet and toys
Loves to have his hands in his mouth
Smiles, laughs, coos, shrieks
Actively seeks out social interactions and tries to get our attention by talking to us or shrieking if we aren't paying attention
Dislikes the carseat
HATES pacifiers
Doesn't like bottles either but will tolerate them if hungry enough!
A little blurry but cute |