Carson is one day shy of seven weeks. He is doing well. He seems to be moving out of the newborn stage already. :(
We have a nice bedtime routine set up for him and he seems to understand day vs night. I usually nurse him for the "last" time between 9-10 pm, swaddle him, and put him to bed. He usually sleeps until 2 AM or so. Some of his feedings are quick (30 minutes) but other times he is awake for a loooong time (2 hours or so). Most nights it is around 45-60 minutes from start to finish. He get up for a second feeding most nights between 4-5 AM and then usually sleeps until 8 AM or so.
Beautiful Boy! |
Victor, my very helpful husband, has been sleeping on the couch since Carson was born. I could never sleep on the couch but he seemingly doesn't mind. About 50% of the time he does the first feeding for Carson allowing me to sleep from 10:30 (or so) - 4 AM (or so). The nights Victor doesn't do the first feeding he thereotically can get a full 8 hours but that's not garenteed as Erik and Lainey still get up at times. Anyway, since Carson is a pretty good sleeper and Victor is very helpful neither of us are overwhelmingly tired at this point. Yay!
Carson is still sleeping upright in his "bouncy" chair. He is getting 1 cc of Zantac (75mg/5ml) 3x a day. This a big dose but seems to be doing the trick for now. He still can not lay flat though so for now he will stay sleeping in his chair. This works okay for the time being as he sleeps in the room with whoever is taking the next feeding. I would like to get him used to his room, and Victor sleeping in a bed instead of the couch relatively soon though.
We saw the first smiles this week. Wonderful and fun! Carson is a wonderful, laid back, easy going baby. I just love everything about him and think he is the easiest baby ever. His sweet demeanor has certainly made this transition smooth.
He is tracking with his eyes as well and it is neat to watch him look around to see Erik and Lainey. :)
He is a good eater and growing fast! I nurse him on demand which is usually every 2-3 hours. At his doctor's appointment today he was 12 pounds. I think he is close to 25 inches as well. Long and "thin."
Erik and Lainey are doing MUCH better! For two weeks they were little hellions, Erik being the ring leader. I think their behavior has returned to normal now and I am grateful! They both love Carson and want to help if possible. Lainey loves to give him kisses on the mouth. :)
We are doing well! Three kid are certainly more work than two but I am really enjoying being a mom of three. I think this has been the easiest emotional transition for me. I don't feel anxiety that comes as a first time mom or overwhelmed like I did as a second time mom. So it's been good.
What a cutie he is!! Glad you're not overly exhausted all the time :)
he's sooooooo cute. glad things are going so well! :) liz
Funny, before I read your caption on the picture of the kids, I thought, "Wow Erik looks long!" Loved catching up on your blog, miss you!
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