Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Carson - 1 month old!

and growing like a weed!! 

Having a new baby in the house has been wonderful. Carson is such a nice baby.  He is really laid back and calm.  I have enjoyed every moment spent with him.   


He nurses every 2-3 hours around the clock.  He has no issues taking pumped milk from a bottle which is nice as it gives me freedom to leave the house (without him) and not worry about him being hungry.  It also allows Victor to help some at night.


Still bothering him - he has periods where he is really restless and uncomfortable.  This often happens at night.  You can hear the reflux going up and down his throat.  He is on Zantac.  The past 2 days I have given him 7.5 mg of Prevacid (left over from the other kids) and it seems to make a BIG difference. In fact last night he slept from 10:30 pm to 4:30 am.  AMAZING!  The longest he had ever slept before was 2.5 hours as he was almost always up "restless" in the middle of the night.  

Unfortunately, I did this without the doctor knowing.  I didn't tell him that I have been treating him on my own so at today's appointment he just suggested we bump up the dose of Zantac from 2x a day to 3x a day.  If the reflux is still bothering him in 2 weeks to call and we'll switch to Prevacid then.  I am sure I could have told him about the trial of Prevacid the past two days but I didn't so I am going to continue the Prevacid for another 2-3 days.  That way I should know if it is really making a difference or coincidence.  Then I'll switch him back to the recommended dose of Zantac so I can say, without fibbing, that we need to switch to Prevacid (assuming his reflux gets worse again). 


Usually up every 2-3 hours.  Slept a 6 hour stretch once as mentioned above.  He is sleeping in the swing or his chair.  I don't think he will be able to lay flat for awhile as that definitely bothers his reflux. 

How's the family?

Erik has been nothing but trouble the past 2 weeks.  He is driving me crazy.  Lainey of course follows along with everything he does.  I can not leave Erik alone for more than five seconds or he gets into something that he isn't supposed to have.  This is very frustrating.  I am trying to be patient and find ways to spend extra one-on-one time with him (reading extra books, taking him along alone for errands, bike rides, etc.).  There have been moments where he has been yelled at and/or put in his room for a time out.   Erik adjusted without any issues when Lainey was born so I am slightly surprised at how poor his behavior has been  this time.  It seems extra frustrating because he clearly understands that what he is doing is wrong.  Ahhh!!!
Lainey is doing pretty well.  She has been having trouble going to bed since Carson was born.  She cries for every nap and bedtime and never used to do that.  She often ends up falling asleep naked (she undresses herself because she is mad) and on the floor.  She doesn't cry for more than 5 minutes and has been sleeping really well at night.
 Other than that we are doing well.  I have handled this transition much better than last time.  I feel as though I can go about our normal daily activities without feeling overwhelmed.  I love having a new baby to snuggle.  He is SO sweet.  

One Month Stats:

Height: 23.5 inches (95%)
Weight:  11 pounds fully dressed (75%)
Head circumference:  I can't remember specifically but per the doctor he was at the 50%

He is in size 1 diapers and wears 3 month old clothes.
He is the biggest baby I have had by quite a bit! 
He is very long and still has very big hands and feet.  
He is solid but not at all chubby (yet).

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