Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Fox and the Hound

Were best friends and so are Erik and Lainey. At least for now! Erik loves Lainey so much. If she happens to be sleeping after he gets up in the morning or after his nap (this is rare) he can hardly stand it because he wants to play with her. If he hears even a peep on the monitor he runs to the stairs so excited to go get his sister. It is adorable. Lainey seems just as enamored with him as well.

This week Erik has really enjoyed making a "tent" and playing in it with Lainey. Today he was reading "Hop on Pop" to her.

We put together our travel swing recently so I didn't have to keep carrying Elaina's "bouncy" chair up and down the stairs multiple times a day. This swing is low enough to the ground that Erik can get in it. He hadn't tried until today. He really shouldn't be in it as I believe the weight limit is 20 pounds (he is 27 pounds) but I thought he was cute so I took a photo before taking him out of the swing.


Anonymous said...

i see the quilt in action! awesome! forts are the best. :)--liz

Kristal said...

She is such a great sitter!