Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kid Stuff

Erik quote of the day:

Ann: What do you want for breakfast?

Erik: (very excitedly says) " Broccoli!"

Which he ate a large serving of in addition to toast.

Lainey update:

I took her in to the doctor today due to spitting up, crabbiness, arching her back, etc. The doctor agreed that she has reflux. We are starting her on Zantac. I will take her back in two weeks for a follow up. The shocking news of the day though was that she weighed in at 9 pounds 10 ounces. She was 6 pounds 7 ounces at birth. That means she has been gaining 1.4 ounces a day. They expect breastfed babies at this age to gain 1/2 to 1 ounce a day. Guess she has a good dairy cow for a momma.

1 comment:

Kristal said...

I hope the Zantac helps Lainey feel better and makes life easier for you all! (Good Feeding, by the way!)