Elaina is here! She arrived 6/15/09 at 6:24 pm weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces, 19.5 inches long. She is tiny and perfect. Like Erik, she has been a little jaundiced, but it seems to be getting better on it's own. No treatment needed!
She is a good eater! She eats every 2-3 hours during the day then every 45 minutes or so from 8 pm - 11:30pm and then seems to stretch out for 3 hours or so until 6:00 am. She is willing to sleep in the bassinet which is nice. Erik was held the first 3 months of his life.
Erik has been great. He loves his baby sister and is very curious about her. He is sweet and gentle (at least tries to be). He likes to share with her -- tried to get her to hold his golf club this morning.
I am physically recovering from labor much quicker this time. I am still tired and sore but overall feeling pretty well.
Victor and I are very excited to welcome Elaina into our family and love being the parents to two beautiful children!
You two make very cute babies! Congratulations, again! I've been thinking about you so often. I don't want to bother you, so call when you get a little down time... you know, like when Elaina goes away to college! :)
I am glad to hear that everyone and everything is going so well. I am so excited for you all (and so jealous that I am still waiting...).
She is beautiful!
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