I can't believe my baby girl is two weeks old already! It seems to be going faster this time and I hate that.
Elaina is a sweet little baby. So far she has been pretty easy going. She seems to have some reflux which upsets her at times but other than that she is a calm, happy baby.
She is a good eater -- usually eating every 2-3 hours during the day. She will frequently give me a 4 hour stretch at night which is nice. She doesn't always want to go back to sleep though. Last night she went to bed at 9 pm -- got up at 1:30 am. Stayed up until around 3:15 and then slept until 6:00. She was only up once which is wonderful! Now I have to figure out how to get her to sleep quicker and myself in bed earlier.
Erik still loves her. He likes to get close to her face and wave hi to the baby. He also loves to hold her and hug her. Elaina is not sure about the hugging part all of the time. He seems a little overwhelmed at times. He hasn't been extra fussy or naughty but sometimes he just lays on the floor and knocks his head on the ground or wall. I am guessing it is because he needs attention/is feeling stressed out but I am not sure. Hopefully, he will stop that soon.
At Elaina's two week check up she was...
7 pounds 3 ounces (25%)
20.75 inches (75%)
13 1/2 inch head
She is growing fast and is perfect, healthy little baby (we are so grateful)!
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