Monday, December 29, 2008


Well -- we are back in warm Virginia -- it has been almost 70 degrees this weekend. Wow! We had a nice time in Wisconsin. Erik is very social and enjoys being the center of attention. He liked spending time with his grandparents, great grandma, and uncles but seemed to be extra amused by Uncle Colin. He would just walk up to him and hold his hand. Erik also giggled and giggled at him whenever he did something "funny". Although, I am quite fond of Colin as well I wasn't quite sure of why Erik seemed to enthused with him. Well, the following video helped to explain that!

It is not every day that Erik is allowed to run full speed while carrying a weapon. In addition to that fun he got to play on the treadmill! Wow -- what fun.

Of course Uncle Colin also did other fun things with Erik like playing catch. He actually encouraged Erik to throw things. Erik found this fun and now likes to throw lots of things -- shoes, toys, food. Thanks Uncle Colin! :)

We spent most of our time in WI at home with my family.

Here of some photos of Erik enjoying himself....

Riding his bee from Grandma and Grandpa

On the pool table

Resting in Great Grandma's (GG's) lap

Looking cute is his bright orange PJ's

1 comment:

Grace said...

Very cute blog! Erik looks like so much fun! And it looks like his uncles were having a good time, too! Congrats on the new little present to arrive in June! What a blessing!