recognize this little guy?

how about now? yes, erik's changed a bunch since the three week point. in the past couple weeks, erik has gleefully discovered his nose. and his bellybutton. and other parts. i'm taking it all as a sign of good manual dexterity. plus it might help us figure out if he's regular or goofy-handed. so far, it seems the left one works best in the nostril.
just to catch up on a few events in the past few weeks...

erik braved the cold on the milwaukee lakefront last month. apparently the mittens weren't doing the trick.

erik ate cheddar bunnies with grandpa on the floor. this was the day before thanksgiving. the day after thanksgiving, erik showed off his clapping skills at dinner.

erik discovered that he's still small enough to fit into interesting places.

"i still really really really really want to touch the computer."

remember when erik was a baby and he used to play with wipes? oh wait...
Very amusing! Love it.
Erik's new born video is cool! Love it.
Every one of the pictures were great, but my favorite has to be the "Daddy-mouth mitten." I also love how Erik can jam himself under the chair. Don't let him show that trick to Anna!
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