We have had a busy week. Erik was a little under the weather -- with the runs. Not fun for parents or child. He also cut two more teeth -- up to eight now. We spent Monday - Wednesday homebound due to his diarrhea but the last couple of days we have been busy.
Thursday afternoons we have a playgroup with a few friends. It is interesting to get the four boys together (ages 13 months - 18 months). Sometimes they play nicely together, sometimes they fight, and at times they are just crabs. Yesterday -- was a crabby day! First, we hung out at Leslie and Cullen's house and then went to a book sale at the local library -- that was crazy. People were jammed into small rooms practically climbing over eachother to get books. Not really my idea of fun but I did manage to find a number of great books for Erik at a great price.
Today we went on a walk, went to the gym, took Erik for his 7th haircut, bought Erik a new pair of shoes (he is now in 5 1/2's), went to a nursery to pick out pumpkins with Cullen and Leslie, made dinner, made a chocolate cake for a halloween party tomorrow. Phew -- Erik is now in bed and I am about to make lasagna (also for tomorrow).
Here are some photos from todays activities. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

The first video is of Erik looking at a truck book (one from the library sale) --- the first thing he does is point at and says truck. Good luck understanding him.
The two videos do also show pre- and post- haircuts!