Monday, November 17, 2008


Well we have been busy with friends this week. Erik is a really social little boy. He gets excited when the doorbell rings and runs over shrieking to get it. He doesn't always play directly with his friends but he does make it clear who he enjoys being around because he frequently stops what he is doing and gives his friends big hugs and kisses. They don't always enjoy this but
I think it is cute. He has started smacking his lips at the end of his kisses -- they are still open mouth kisses but they end with a smack of the lips. Very cute!!

Last night we hosted our friends Bonnie, Matt, and Keira. We tried to get a photo of the two kids which proved challenging!

Erik has figured out where his feet are and can show you when asked. He also can show you his head and nose -- although not with 100% accuracy. I tried to get a video of this but cooperation was not to be had. Oh well!

1 comment:

Kristal said...

Those two make the world's cutest little toddler couple. How could you not have arranged a marriage!?