Thursday, October 2, 2014

Carson's a school boy!

Sweet little Carson started preschool 5 weeks ago.  He goes just two mornings a week for 2.5 hours.  He LOVES it!  He knows the order of the weekdays and is so very excited to get up and ready on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

He is at the same preschool Erik and Lainey attended.  There is one new teacher, she is great, and one teacher who had both Erik and Lainey as well.  Carson loves every minute of school.  When I pick him up he happily tells me what he did each day, the songs they sang, books the read, who he played with etc.  He is so much chattier than Erik and Lainey ever were.  I love hearing about his day.

Being the third kid, he is very excited to be a big kid.  He packs his own snack for school and is much more efficient than Erik and Lainey are when getting ready in the morning.   He is such a fun little boy! 

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