You are 13 months old sweet baby girl!
You are a toddler now for sure -- walking, even running everywhere.
You got 4 new teeth this month; now up to 6.
All four teeth came in at once--not a fun week for you.
You are such a silly girl.
You are really playful and love to play chase, "peek-a-boo", catch, and dance.
You really love music and carry one of our refrigerator "ABC toys" everywhere and
push the button that plays the ABC song over and over all day long. You of course bop and dance to the music. So cute!
You have no fear of strangers really but hate being left alone.
I can not leave the room without you bursting into tears and chasing after me.
You really like to be held and insist on this a lot of the day.
You do NOT like to be warn in the baby carrier though which makes this challenging.
You are a BIG mommas girl.
If Victor tries to take you from me most of the time you cry big tears.
You generally seem to prefer women over men.
I am sure at some point you will switch over to being a daddy's girl but it hasn't happened yet.
Eating is better but still not great.
You still love fruit and will eat carrots, broccoli, beans, and corn.
Meat is not your favorite thing although you will eat hot dogs. Gross!
You don't really love bread either but will chow down on a cookie if I let you.
You are growing though so somehow you are getting enough calories through your fruit and veggie diet.
You are still nursing 2-3 times a day.
I thought you would have quit by now but you really like it.
We introduced milk to you for a week and it did NOT go well.
You had horrible diarrhea and diaper rash that cleared up immediately after stopping the dairy.
For now I am giving you 8-10 ounces of frozen breast milk in addition to the sessions of nursing.
I will probably wean you in the next 2-3 weeks but I am not sure what milk we are going to start you on. I don't want to put you on soy milk because of the estrogen-like substances in it.
Almond milk is an option but we are avoiding tree-nuts due to Erik's allergies.
Coconut milk is something I would consider but I am nervous about the 5g of saturated fat in it.
Rice milk is probably what we will go with but I feel like it is really unnatural/synthetic and lacks a lot of nutrition. I have considered just continuing with the nursing but my extra frozen supply will run out soon so I would have to supplement you with something else soon anyway.
Any other ideas are welcome!
You have slept through the night for the past month.
(only getting up about once a week or so)
You usually sleep from 7:45-6:00 or so.
You take 2 naps a day- the morning nap is usually only 30-40 minutes and on the go.
The afternoon nap is usually between 1-2 hours.
I really have felt much more energetic the past month.
You "talk" and jabber at lot but only have a few words.
Momma, Dada, and Erik are the most consistent ones.
You are able to follow simple commands and have NO trouble getting your point across.
You are a cherished little girl.
We love you so much!
1 comment:
she sounds SO cute--even cuter than in march, if indeed that is possible! :)
why are you nervous about the fat in coconut milk? are you worried her eating will get worse if she feels extra full? kids tend to regulate their own satiety much better than adults, given a balanced diet (which you give her). i'm sure you'll work it out, one way or another. but i agree with you on soy milk...sigh. maybe you could mix rice and coconut?? good luck!!
:) liz
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