Hi sweet girl!
I can't believe you are 10 months old already! What a fast (although exhausting) year! You are a sweet, fun, spunky baby girl. We love you so much!
Here is what you are doing now....
You get up once most nights. Occasionally twice and occasionally you sleep through. We are making an effort to "wean" you from night feedings this month.
You have figured out how to eat this month! Yay! Good job! Some of your favorite foods are avocado, apples (I peel them and you love to gnaw on them -- we will have to stop once you have teeth), bread, black beans, frozen meatballs. We have not introduced you to dairy or eggs yet since it seems like they bother you if I eat them. Erik shared some extra cheddar goldfish crackers with you recently. You apparently liked them because you crawled as fast as you could after him, begging for more. Very cute!
Your first tooth broke through on April 1st-- it has not come in completely yet. No other teeth are visible yet.
No big changes this month. You are an expert crawler and cruiser. You like to push your "walker" all over. You can stand alone for 5-10 seconds but you try not to. If you know I am trying to trick you into standing by yourself you plop your butt down as quick as you possibly can.
Verbal skills:
You "talk" all day long! Very chatty baby! You seem to say "Uh oh" at the appropriate time and are very proud of your self. You still have not said mama at all -- although I have heard you say "muh" so it must not be far off. I am just starting to teach you some sign language but you don't use any signs yet.
Social Skills:
You love people. You will go to anyone and have never had any stranger anxiety (with the exception of Uncle Daron!). You especially LOVE Erik! If you are fussy, Erik can always make you giggle. It is so fun to watch. I hope you are friends for life. You do not like being left in a room by yourself and will either crawl after me or cry if I leave the room for a second.
You are a sweet, lovely baby! I am so thankful to be your Mommy!
1 comment:
LAINEY IS SO CUTE...looking forward to seeing you guys again!
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