I have joined the 30 year old club. I had been dreading this, but like most things in life that cause some angst, the reality is better than you expected. Victor really made this weekend special even with a sick kid. Thank you honey!
Here is how I spent my birthday weekend...
Saturday morning Victor made homemade chocolate chocolate chip pancakes with a side of strawberries and pineapple. Yum! They were egg/dairy free so even Lainey got a couple bites. She was very excited about her first taste of chocolate.

I had suspected that he had planned a birthday party, and had the sitter coming so we could go out at night, plus I anticipated a massage.
After breakfast Victor gave me a card. In it was a schedule for the day. It concluded my suspicions (or so I thought). He said people were coming over for a party at 3:30, the sitter coming at 8 pm so we could go out for dinner, and a massage was scheduled for Sunday.
He also made a hotel reservation for us but Erik has sick all weekend (fever, cough, sore throat) so I got to stay in the hotel myself while he took care of sick kids (and got up 5 times in the middle of the night). What a champ!
Anyway - back to Saturday. As most of you know I am a little neurotic regarding fitting in a work-out so given the schedule I told Victor that I was going to go on a quick walk (the weather has been glorious here), then I would come back to feed Lainey, and head to the gym over lunch.
My friend Leslie texted me shortly after I told Victor that and asked me to come over to her house at 11:30.
I told her I was going to go to the gym then. Could I come later?
I question Victor? Why do I need to go to Leslie's at 11:30?
He said he wanted to get the house ready for the party and wanted me to take the kids so he could clean better.
Always supportive I said, Ha! You can get ready with the kids here. I am going to the gym. I check with Leslie to see if I can come over a little early on my way to the gym.
Nope -- I am busy helping Kevin rearrange furniture (What?). She suggested we go to the gym together at 1:00 pm.
Okay, sounds fine. I tell Victor the new plan.
He tells me I still need to go to Leslie's even if I don't want to take the kids because she has something she wants to give me before the party.
Okay. Do I need to take a shower first? Can I go over there in my gym clothes like I normally would?
I don't know.
Yes, you do. Please tell me because I would prefer not to have to get ready 2 times if I can avoid it.
Take a shower.
Still confused (and stupid) I take the shower and go on a quick walk before heading over to Leslie's. Not before I ask Victor, "What if I show up at 11:45 or 12:00 or 11:15?" I was thinking that Victor was trying to get something set up for me at our house without me being there. Really puzzled as to what that might be. Think about it on my walk to Leslie's.
Happy Birthday!
I, for some reason, respond "Happy Birthday!" back to Leslie. Strange.
Walk up the steps and see all my friends there for the birthday party at 11:30 (not 3:30 like Victor had put on the schedule).

Poor Erik has had a fever off and on since Friday so he could not be at the party which meant Victor couldn't be there either (someone had take care of Erik). The boys came to say hi and pose for a picture. The girls stayed to party. I was sad that Erik was sick for the party but things like that are just part of being a parent of a young child. Erik is still sick tonight -- we are hoping he feels better tomorrow.
Looking back I should have figured out what was going on LONG before I walked into Leslie's house. I don't think I figured it out for 2 reasons...
1- I am extremely trusting -- never even considered that Victor would have lied on the typed out schedule he printed out for me.
2- I am overly confident-- I was so confident that I had figured out Victor's plan that I never stopped to think that I might be wrong (especially after he confirmed it with the printed out schedule). Ha!
I was happy to be surprised!
After the party I got dressed for the gym only to be told that I should head to the spa instead. Off I went for a massage and facial.
I headed home, got in a quick 3 mile run, and then got dressed and ready for dinner. We went to an awesome restaurant called Vermilion in Old Town Alexandria. They serve all organic, local foods. All of the produce has been picked within 24 hours of being on your plate. It was WONDERFUL!! We will be going back.
After dinner Victor dropped me off at the hotel and went home to take care of our sick babies. Thankfully, they never woke up for the sitter (they were asleep when she got there) but Victor sure saw a lot of them during the night.
Today, Victor had another spa appointment made for me. Ahhh!!! I am so relaxed now!
After sleeping in and relaxing at the spa I went on a long walk through Old Town and up along the Potomac. Victor and the kids picked me up after naps. Back to reality!
It was a wonderful weekend -- thank you Victor for making my birthday so special. I am a lucky girl!