The weather was perfect -- mid 80's and sunny. Erik loved the beach and pool. It took him two to three days before he would get in
The food was good. They had a lot of nice restaurants to pick from for dinner. Our favorite was a Brazilian steakhouse. Dinner time was also difficult because the restaurants didn't serve dinner until 6:30 and by then Erik was too antsy and tired to really sit through a meal. So -- pacing was required so
Erik LOVED the fruity drinks! He was spoiled a bit on this trip, as we let him have juice, fruity drinks, and chocolate covered marshmallows! He enjoyed them all!
The beach was very beautiful! Victor played volleyball everyday (Erik even got to join him for a couple games). We also took walks every afternoon. I often carried Erik in the front pack with hopes that he would take a quick nap before dinner. It worked a couple of days but he still wasn't very interested in behaving at dinner!
Sleeping was okay -- Erik had a crib and slept through the night a few times but usually was up early (5:15 or so). He has also been having these screaming episodes in the middle of the night about twice a week. I had thought maybe it was because of his ear infection or teething but those seem better and they have continued. Now I am thinking maybe it is night terrors but am not sure. If they continue I will ask his doctor what she thinks.
Erik and Victor watching the sunrise at 6 am -- they made it down to the beach in time most mornings!
Travel -- Erik is a good traveler. He did great on the airplane both times. We had a direct flight so it was 3 1/2 hours but he didn't cause trouble either way. Thankfully, he took naps during each of them and on the way back we he watched Elmo for about 20 minut
Health -- Overall, we were all healthy but Victor picked up a mild traveler's bug the last 24 hours. Erik also threw up twice yesterday (8 am and 8 pm -- avoided all modes of transportation we were on yesterday!). He is acting fine so not sure what was bothering him but we will take it easy today. He also had another allergic reaction to something he ate. He had not had anything with eggs or nuts so we are not sure what caused it. Thankfully, the hives went away quickly after we gave him benadryl. I guess we may be making a trip to the allergist sooner than we thought.
It was a very busy (chasing a 16 month old) but relaxing time. We are very thankful to have the opportunity to go somewhere so nice and to spend time as a family. Below is a photo from 2009 -- in the column of my blog is our family photo from our trip to Mexico 2008. Look how Erik has grown.
1 comment:
I'm so glad you guys had such a nice trip. You deserve it. Erik looked like he made himself right at home!
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