Sunday, February 22, 2009

Daddy and Me

We are very slowly starting to get ready for our baby girl. The first step on this list.... buying a king size bed for ourselves! It came today and Erik was very excited to help rearrange the beds.

Our plan for when the baby comes is to keep the nursery as is -- except for new bedding and paint. We are moving Erik into the guest room and he will sleep (we hope) on a queen size mattress on the floor.

We will move the guest bed into the office. This left us without a bed -- so of course we figured a king size bed was in order. I can't wait to be able to stretch out (important when pregnant) and still have space between Victor and myself. Victor also started sleeping with his C-PAP machine (he has apnea) which cuts down on his snoring significantly. Better sleep should be coming my way -- until late June that is!

1 comment:

The Kruepkes said...

My dad uses a C-PAP and sounds like it works great so hope you have the same results!