He is most definitely still a baby though (maybe I'll always think that?!).
His personality has really flourished this month.
- jabbers back and forth at us.
- likes to play peek-a-boo and initiates it himself.
- claps his hands and dances when music is playing.
- figured out how to roll balls down the "ball-ramp" and likes that a lot
He is much more vocal now....
- this child is LOUD! and opinionated
- if he is unhappy about something (being put down primarily or being touched by his
siblings) he lets us known by shrieking and yelling very, very loudly
- no real words although he uses multiple consonants while babbling (mama, dada, baba, etc.)
He seems to be a sensory seeking kind of kid....
- he likes to be held and touched constantly (by his parents - not siblings!)
- if I am not holding him, he literally will follow me from place to place all day long; when I stop walking he sits up and holds he arms up to me and yells
- he loves the grass, dirt, mud, sand, messy foods, etc. (the dirtier the better)
- he loves his "plug" more than he should (although it's limited during the day)
He is a busy little guy.....
- he crawls quickly, goes up the stairs without a problem
- he loves to be played with (Lainey said the other day, "Mom, Kyle really likes people to pay attention to him.")
- he particularly likes to play ball and mess up his brothers trains and legos
- he does not like sitting on your lap or being read too
- he loves to be held but yells if you aren't up walking around with him (little stinker)
He has a sense of humor....
- while he can be a little demanding and grumpy he does have a sense of humor
- he giggles and giggles when you chase after him, play peek-a-boo, put toys on his head, blow raspberries at him
He is growing....
- I still think the majority of his calories are from nursing
- He does eat solid 3 times a day but is still really only eating pureed foods. He will gum soft foods like bananas and muffins but most of that seems to end up on the floor. Anything harder to mash than that is a lost cause at this point.
- He's growing just fine so I haven't worried about this at all (although probably would if he were my 1st baby).
He sleeps quite well.....
- Depending on what time he goes to bed he either sleeps through the night or is nursed once -if he goes down late I don't feed him again until 7:00 AM; if he is sleeping early (7:00 PM) I will dream feed him before I go to bed (10:30-11:00) and then not again until 7:00 AM
He only has two teeth! He can stand on his own for 5 seconds or so but has no interest in walking yet. He has very crazy hair (a head of cowlicks basically) which gets attention everywhere we go!
He is a very snuggly little guy! We are so lucky to have him!
Pick me up Mom!
Why can't I eat playdough?!
Little love bug!