Baby Kyle is 10 months old today!
I think he has changed a lot this month!
He is a very, very busy baby. Constantly on the move!
He crawls everywhere. He can get all the way up the stairs without any help.
He walks behind toys/benches without any problem.
He can stand alone for very short periods of time (only when he doesn't realize it)!
He is a super silly, sweet baby.
He likes to play hide and seek.
He blows raspberries at us all day long and then just giggles and giggles.
He likes to crawl speedy-fast away from you and have you grab his feet and pull him back.
He claps his hands when he is happy.
He rocks back and forth when music is playing.
He eats well.
Likes to nurse a lot.
He mainly eats pureed foods
although can tolerate some soft foods.
He has no teeth still!
He constantly is putting things into his mouth. Constantly.
It is a never ending process to save him from choking.
He sleeps pretty well.
He goes to bed between 7:00 and 8:00.
I nurse him before I go to bed (10:30 or 11:00) and then
we don't get him out of bed again until 7:00.
He occasionally protests and I will get him if he is really upset.
But, most days he either waits quietly for us in his bed.
It's not unusual for him to be sleeping at 7:00 still.
This is definitely a change from the first 3, likely due to a slight
change in parenting styles (tolerance of tears).
He unfortunately still seems to have red, fluid filled ears.
This seems to bother him some days but not always.
I have some benzocaine ear drops that help him
and often use them before putting him to bed.
He's about 6 weeks into red, fluid filled ears.
He is also behind in "talking."
He does NOT babble with consonants yet.
He does jabber and seems to be talking to us at times but not really
with consonants. Carson was also delayed in this (had bad ears too) and he
is now my chattiest child so I'm not super concerned but will be quite
aggressive about an ENT appointment if it doesn't improve quickly.
Only other thing is that I think his eyes may turn in slightly.
I'm not sure if it just appears this way because he is 1/2 Asian or if it is a problem.
I asked my friend who is an optomotrist what she thinks and she said, based only on photos,
that it's likely just a anatomical issue related to being 1/2 Asian but she did suggest taking him in
for an eye exam (she moved recently or she would do it herself).
She had told me before that uncorrected "lazy eyes" can cause permanent damage - making it impossible to correct the kids vision to 20/20 no matter what strength of glasses - if they don't get treated in a timely fashion.
She doesn't think Kyle will need glasses but since she had told me that before, unrelated to my kids, I feel some urgency to get his eyes checked. Of course, living in a small town, the closest pediatric eye doctor is an hour away.
I'm hoping my fuzzy wuzzy baby doesn't need glasses or an eye patch to add to his wild style. :)
We've had a pretty quiet month (although Victor has been out of town multiple times).
I'm glad to have had time at home and feel like I've been able to get to know my precious baby during the past 6 weeks (better than I was able to do during the crazy traveling and grieving this spring).
I love my sweet baby and am thankful for him.