Baby Kyle is 9 months old already!
I truly feel like his first year has just slipped by so quickly.
Having a baby in the house very tiring and a fair amount of
work but he has really been a big blessing!
There really is nothing sweeter than cuddling with your fuzzy-headed babe.
We are so lucky to have had a healthy pregnancy that happened the first second we even thought about it! I felt guilty even thinking about having a fourth baby, wishing Daron and Feifei were in a position to have one instead of us. I am so thankful we went for it though as we knew we wanted four and Kyle was born before Daron was too sick to meet him. I'll always be grateful for that!
So what is Kyle up to these days?
This month he has learned to crawl. He gets everywhere, fast! He also pulls to a stand and can cruise along the couch (a tiny bit). He is quite determined to get places and really would like to be able to walk.
He is still getting most of his nutrients from nursing. He nurses every 2-3 hours during the day and 1-2 times at night. Most nights I only feed him once between 7 pm and 6 AM. He often wakes up by 5:30 AM wanting to get out and eat again but we make him stay put until 6 AM. Sometimes he is quite mad about this, sometimes he just plays, and sometimes he sleeps until 6:30 or 7:00. My milk supply is holding up, but I have no extra at all! This is a new experience as I usually have a large oversupply.
He eats pureed food 2-3 times a day. I've given him table food a few times but he doesn't know what to do with it yet. He has no idea how to drink out of a sippy cup or straw yet either.
Overall, his oral skills are lagging a bit. He doesn't babble with consonants at all yet either. He says, "awww, awww" and "mmmmmm,mmmmm" but no ma, ma, da, ba,etc. Carson was slow at this too, so we will see what happens.
Kyle has been very congested for the past 2 months and has patches of eczema. After having a taste of ice cream and strawberries he developed a fiery red rash all over his cheeks. I think he may have a dairy intolerance/allergy. He has an appointment with the allergies on June 12th. For now, I have cut dairy out of my diet.
Kyle is a fairly happy little guy. He has big dimples and flashes them at us. He is doted on by his siblings all day long and usually seems happy with that. Ha!
Kyle has terrible stick up hair. We call him fuzzy wuzzy. I am letting it grow out, with hopes that it will lie down eventually? So far, it has not! If it keeps sticking up no matter how long it is, I will probably get him another buzz cut.
Kyle James, we love you dear boy!