Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Report Cards

Report cards for 2nd quarter come home yesterday.  I'm so proud of my little buggers!  This year started out a little chaotic with Kyle being born 5 days after Erik started kindergarten and Lainey started pre-k.    At the end of first quarter, Erik still wasn't convinced he liked school.  He was doing very well in reading but was under-performing in math, which has always been one of his strengths (only counted to 39 for his teacher - so REALLY under-performing).  Erik also dislikes writing which the teacher commented on during his first quarter conference.  (Didn't have one this quarter.)

So that was first quarter, a little bit stressful!   I've been volunteering in both kids classrooms every 1-2 weeks during the second quarter.  I like both of their teachers and both kids seem happy in school.  I'm so glad I have made an effort to get in their classrooms on a regular basis (I hire a sitter to watch the little boys) because I get to know the teachers and other kids plus the kids like having me there.

Erik definitely seems happier at school now and his report card reflected that!

Lainey has always loved school.  She eats up homework and loves writing!  She is reading now and is so excited about it.  She can read lots of books with one to two sentences on each page.  She knows almost all of the kindergarten sight words (her pre-k teacher tested her on 25 sight words, she knew 21 on that list).  Her teacher noticed she is reading, along with a few other kids in her class, and has her in a reading group now.  She couldn't be happier about that.

Lainey is very, very quiet and shy.  He teachers have mentioned that to me multiple times and it was mentioned in her report card.  She does talk to other peers on a one-on-one basis but refuses to participate (verbally) in group discussions.  I'm not sure I need to do anything about it at the moment.  She is like that in other activities as well, although certainly not quiet at home or with people she is comfortable around.   (I think her father is likely responsible for this shyness trait.)

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