Thursday, June 9, 2011

Carson - 3 months old!

My sweet, little BIG baby has had a great month.  Carson has always been an easy, enjoyable baby and it just keeps getting better.  He is SO smiley.  It seems like he just waits for someone to look at him so he can flash you a big, dimpled grin.  It is very tough to be crabby around this happy boy. 

Highlights from the month....


Still sleeping in his "bouncy" chair.  We did move him into his own room now though.  He usually gets up once a night around 3 AM.  He goes to sleep between 9 and 10 pm.  He is swaddled still.

As a third child he is out and about a lot.  He tends to cat nap off and on during the morning (stroller, car seat, ergo carrier).  We are always home by noon or so.  He usually takes a 3 hour nap in the afternoon and then a short catnap in the evening again.


He is an excellent nurser and growing fast!  He is a very chunky little boy now! :) He is still on Zantac for his reflux and doing pretty well.  We tried switching him to Prevacid but he always gagged on it and threw it up.  Once the brochiolitis resolved his reflux was okay again with Zantac.


-Carson found his hands this month.  He occasionally gets them in his mouth.
-Can control his head fairly well
-Can roll from stomach to back on occasion
-Smiles, laughs, and coos all day long
-When he cries (this is rare) he makes a maa,maa,maa sound
-Drools and spits bubbles.  


-People.  He is a really social baby and wants to be able to see whatever is going on around him.


-Carson can not stand "belly time" and cries within 30 seconds of being placed on his tummy

-Bottles and pacifiers.  He strictly likes to nurse and actively tries to spit out anything else that is put in his mouth.  I will be gone from him for the first time for about 8 hours on Saturday.  Hopefully Victor (and Carson) will survive! :) I hope he gets over this dislike because I am hoping to spend a night away from the kids with Victor before he is weaned.  We'll see! 

Carson is such a joyful baby!  I am so thankful to be his mom!