Sunday, August 22, 2010

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

We have been taking Erik to a gymnastics class once a week off and on during the past year.  I think he has probably been to 20-30 classes total.  This summer I signed him up for a class on Friday (instead of Saturday) so Lainey has been going with us.

Lainey of course thinks she is a class participant too.  She loves the huge trampoline that the kids jump on.  The teacher, whose name is also Elaina, really seems to like her as well.

As soon as we get to the building Lainey sits down to take off her shoes and then runs to the door trying to reach the handle and signing please, please, please frantically because she wants to go in the studio.

Erik likes gym class too but in general he is less exuberant about things.  They both have the same favorite activity though -- the rings.  Here are some photos....

Blurry because it was on my phone and he was swinging back and forth.

Lainey is braver than most of the 2 year old kids in the class -- she even knows to drop after I count to three.  Funny girl!

This class is expensive but I really love it and think it is good activity for the kids.  I am fairly certain there is nothing similar to it in southern Maryland.  It will be missed when we move.

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