Hi Sweet Lainey!
You are 14 months old today! I can't believe how big you are now. This summer you have changed from a baby to a toddler. You are so much fun and so full of personality. Just seeing you in the morning makes me smile. We love you!
Here is what you are up to now....
You are a good sleeper. You take two naps a day. The morning one is usually around 9:30 and is about 45 minutes. In the afternoon you usually sleep from 1:00-2:30 or so. At night you sleep from 7:30 until 6:30 or so. You get up about once a week in the middle of the night. If you do wake up we don't always go in but if we do you usually just want a 1-2 minute snuggle and then go back to bed. If we don't get you to bed early enough you get fussy and will often point to your bed and sign please indicating you just really want to sleep. So cute! You sleep with a baby doll under each arm. You also like to bring a book to bed with you. You still have your "plug" but we are planning on throwing them all away on August 20th! The doctor wants them gone by your 15 month appointment. We plan to comply! It will be painful though so I hope you are able to adjust quickly.
You are a really good eater now - not picky at all. Some days you eat more than me and other days you eat almost nothing. Fairly normal for a 1 year old I think. You have a sweet tooth already-- 2nd child syndrome! If we are eating dessert you insist on having some too!
For milk you are drinking Rice Milk. I don't know what is best but that is what you are on now. We bought some coconut milk and almond milk this week so we will try those too and maybe just give you a little of multiple types of milk. I am nervous about the almond milk because of Erik's tree nut allergy but he tried your rice milk and hated it so I don't think he will get anywhere near your milk again. I just weaned you completely this week. You seemed ready to make the transition finally. I was ready to be done too but always love nursing my babies!
You are full of it!! You are such a joyful, spunky little girl. You love to climb everything -- the couch, chairs, slides, onto the kid table, etc. Very dangerous! You like to play chase. You love Erik!! He is your favorite. The second you hear him over the monitor you run to the stairs and climb them as fast as you possibly can to get into his room. When you see him you shriek with delight! So cute!
You are an affectionate little girl. You like to be held and are quick to give us hugs and kisses. You love your baby dolls are very tender and gentle with them. I often find you rocking your babies cradle and singing to them. Music is your other favorite thing. The second you hear music you start dancing and clapping. You even clap along to the radio when you are riding in the car.
If you want something you make that very clear! If we can't or won't give it to you you get quite upset and will bat at us and push us away. You often put your head on the floor or into a pillow and cry when you are mad/sad.
You still have little to no stranger anxiety. You will go to almost any woman willingly-- especially people in their 50's and 60's. This makes grandma-type people very happy. You were very upset when I left you in the gym nursery one day but I think you may have been hungry. I don't know for sure because I haven't left you there since. You do fine with the church nursery though. You are not very willing to go to strange men although your strong preference for mommy over daddy is waning a bit. You do not like to be left alone anywhere so if I leave the room you often follow behind me - often crying. Poor thing! If someone else if holding you or playing with you though you usually are fine when I leave.
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Lainey with Sean's grandma at Sean's birthday party. |
One other funny thing you do that makes me smile is try to jump. You bend your knees and try so hard to get off the ground but can't. You get to tag along to Erik's gymnastics class. You love it. Since Erik is still 2 I participate in the class as well. You think you are a full member. When we get to the gymnastics studio you point to the door and frantically sign please because you want to go in. You try to climb the ladders and like running on the trampoline. Your favorite thing though is the rings! You stand over by the ring station pointing up and signing please. You know just what to do too! You hang on all by yourself while I swing you back and forth (I even let you go because you are so good at it). When I count to three I tell you to let go and you usually do. I catch you and then drop you onto the mat. You just smile and giggle. Most of the 2 years are not as brave as you! Erik loves the rings too -- he is a monkey on them. I don't have any pictures but will try to get some next week. That is the last class you will get to join Erik for because when he turns three I won't go in with him anymore which means you won't either. You are going to be very sad! Poor girl.
You add so much joy to our family! We love you so much!
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