Thursday, April 30, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

Our good friends Karen and John welcomed baby Liam into their family this morning. Like us, they don't have family in town so we are watching Sean while she is in the hospital. We had him for about 24 hours -- he is going to stay at his house with Dad tonight but we are looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.

Erik seems to enjoy having friends around. When he is tired you can tell that he is sad about not having one on one mommy time. He was in tears off and on for about an hour before his nap this morning, when he got up he sat on my lap and said, "Mommy, hug?". I like my snuggly boy (not the tearful one so much though) but am a little nervous about how he is going to feel when our baby makes its debut.

Here are some photos from our time with Sean.

Friday, April 24, 2009


We have spent a lot of time getting Erik's new room ready. Today is the first time he has used it. Thankfully, he laid down and went to sleep without a problem. I am sure it helped that he was very tired and probably doesn't realize he can get up and play yet. I am hoping tonight goes smoothly as well.

Here are some photos of my little boy in his big bed. I will take some photos of the rest of the room soon.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Night Night

Erik was so tired this afternoon. When we got back from playing outside he picked up his blanket and baby doll and said, " Elmo please?". He almost fell asleep on the couch but Victor came home from work which perked him up a bit. I thought he was so cute hugging his baby doll watching Elmo.

Normally, Erik sleeps for 1 1/2 - 2 hours in the afternoon but today he only slept 45 minutes (I think his molars are bothering him as he refused to eat today too). We also played outside for 2 - 3 hours. He was one tired boy tonight. Lets hope he sleeps in tomorrow!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rainy Days

Erik was spoiled today -- I broke down and bought him ridiculously cute but overpriced rain gear. I did by a size too big in both the boots and jacket so it should fit him for 6 months (hopefully). It has been raining a lot and I am always tempted to take him outside anyway (he stands by the door crying, "Open?") . Now I can do it without him getting soaked. Isn't my boy cute?

I took many photos of Erik today -- he didn't look at the camera for any of them!


Victor and I left Erik with our babysitter, Susanna for two nights. It was a wonderful break to just enjoy each other without constant responsibility and distraction. We went to Richmond,VA and just explored the city. It was 75 and sunny all weekend so the weather was perfect. We were happy to be home on Sunday but glad we got the chance to get away (I suspect it will be another 15 months before we go anywhere by ourselves again)!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am very lucky to be part of a wonderful playgroup that meets every Thursday. I hosted it today -- it was a warm day out so the boys had a ball playing with the water table. They were quite wet afterwards and spent the rest of playgroup in their diapers.

Two of the mom's in playgroup had babies a couple of weeks ago. Erik met both of them this week -- he is quite fascinated. Today he brought Hannah her blanket and pacifier (tried to put it in her mouth). Yesterday we visited Heidi, Katie (23 months), and Abbie (2 weeks). Erik was very interested in Abbie's feet for some reason.

Here are some photos from playgroup and meeting Abbie.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I love my "baby" boy

Erik is a sweet and cuddly boy. There are many days I feel like I just can't get enough of him (which is hard to imagine since I spend 12 - 13 hours with him each day). Here is a photo of us cuddling tonight before Victor took him up to bed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Indoor Fun

Today was rainy and I was tired so we just had fun inside. Erik seemed to enjoy a quiet day too.
Eating a cookie at lunch. Notice his drool soaked shirt!

Fort with the couch cushions.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Grumpy Old Man

I was at the gym this morning walking uphill fast on the treadmill. A 70 year old man got on the treadmill next to me (even though there were about 30 empty ones to chose from). About 2 minutes later he looks over at me and says angrily, " You better not fall of of that thing and bump me or you will be working for free the rest of your life."

I looked back and said, " Haven't fallen off yet but if I do I already work for free so you are out of luck."

Don't mess with pregnant women! Especially ones like me who are feisty and aren't afraid to bite back.

I had lots of other less appropriate comebacks but refrained -- I do have a big hole in my tongue now.

Have a good day!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Who's got spirit?

Last week was a long one for me. Erik and I were both sick with bad colds, I felt irritated because I didn't see Victor much, frustrated because Erik threw a million tantrums, and we were stuck at home as we didn't want to infect our friends and it rained a lot. By Friday night I was done. I left the house as soon as Victor walked in. I went to dinner and read, "The Happiest Toddler On the Block," with hopes to figure out how to limit Erik's tantrums. I think it is going to be really helpful. However, I am sure I will be up for more challenges as it seems Erik falls into the category of Spirited (other choices were Easy and Shy temperaments). I am sure my parents feel that is justice as I am certain I fall in the same category!

Erik and my cold are almost gone and I have had a nice weekend. I was able to spend some time alone, sometime as a family, and had some one on one time with Victor. It was also sunny and 65 all weekend which helps.

Here are a couple pictures of my silly, spirited boy....

Don't worry we don't let Erik run around with nooses around his neck -- at least not without direct supervision. He just likes to be like Dada.

New Best Friend

Erik's buddy Cullen was gone this week. Erik did ask about him a couple of times, even knocked on his door when we were outside the other day. However, sad for Cullen, Erik seems to have found a new friend. This one does what Erik wants and never hits him with a hammer. :)

Don't worry Cullen -- you are still missed! We will see you soon!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

27 weeks

27 weeks down 13 to go. 190 days down, 90 to go. I am getting there. This pregnancy has gone well so far. I have little to no heartburn so far. This is a blessing because I never went anywhere without Rolaids when I was pregnant with Erik. If I don't heartburn soon (please stay away) I will not be surprised if this little girl has much less hair than Erik did. We will see.

Here are some photos on my expanding waist....

21 weeks:

27 weeks:

27 weeks up close:

27 weeks with Erik: