Sunday, February 19, 2017

Car Derby

My kiddos participate in Awana.  Each spring they have a car derby race.  My friends, John (and Jana), helped the kids cut out their cars (they have a table saw).  Lainey picked out a cancer ribbon design on her own.  Then decided to make it a leukemia ribbon for Daron and my friend Jana.

Jana and John were both diagnosed with cancer four months apart, in their mid-30s.  John had stage 3B Melanoma and Jana had Leukemia.  Can you imagine?!  So terrifying.  They are both 3+ years out from their diagnosis and doing very well.  Thank you Lord.

Lainey painted her car an orange ribbon and put a D and J on the back for Uncle Daron and Jana.  It wasn't the fastest car, but won a trophy for the design.

I love my sweet girl and am thankful that Daron is still part of our regular conversations.  We love and miss you, Daron.

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