Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Lots of Visitors

This fall we've be blessed to have many visitors.  We also took a quick trip to Philadelphia.

Our visitors started with my Mom.  She came in just at the right time because I ended up catching a stomach bug (from work colleagues).  I was able to lay in bed for 24 hours which allowed me to recover and kept the foursome safe from my germs.  Phew!

Two weeks later, Victor's brother Mike and his boys came for a weekend.  The live in Philadelphia.  His boys are 5 and almost 7.  So they fit in with my clan quite well.  It was so nice to see the cousins together - it had been too long.   It rained a lot of that weekend so soccer was rained out.  We did get outside and visited AnnMarie Gardens for their "cardboard festival."

The following weekend we drove to Philadelphia.  My mother-in-law met us there.  We were supposed to go to Diggerland, but once again it was raining.  Instead of a fun amusement park, we spent time at the Franklin Institute and the Please Touch museum.  We saw Mike and boys again - it's been at least 2 years since Sandy had all of her grandkids in the same room.

Sandy came to our house later the week- through the weekend.  She spent lots of time at soccer and took us out to dinner.  She went back to Phili for a few days, then joined us again for a few nights.  She watched all four kids for me while I was at work (they had a day off of school) and tried to teach them how to make her special chicken.

We have a couple weeks off and then my parents will be back out here! Ha!

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