Monday, March 14, 2016

A very LONG week

Last week was one for the record books.   Kyle has a fever, cough, snotty nose, pink eye starting on Sunday.  Monday Erik came home from school with a fever and headache.  Carson also spiked a fever Monday evening.   Erik seemed to recover fairly quickly although intermittently was complaining of a headache and sore throat.   Kyle's fever broke but then he broke out into hives for three days.   Carson continued to spike fevers for four days.  When I checked his ear on Thursday, it was clear he had puss fill ears and needed to be seen.

In addition to all that sickness, Lainey got hit with a golf club on the face Wednesday evening.  A neighbor boy accidentally hit her.  I was inside going to the bathroom, when Noah ran in yelling that Lainey was bleeding.  As soon as I realized what had happened, I found a neighbor and rushed her to the ER.

Poor little Lainey cried for an hour after it happened, then fell asleep in my arms.  The ER was busier than I've ever seen it, but they did move us through pretty efficiently.  A CT scan of her face was done which showed she has a fractured maxilla (cheek bone).  She was started on augmentin for a week, put on restricted activity for 2-3 weeks, and a pureed diet for 2 weeks.  My girl has been amazing!  She hasn't complained at all about the pureed diet.  I have been so impressed!  To support her, I've also been eating a pureed diet.  I've been making lots and lots of soups, so it hasn't been too bad.  (I am SO thankful, the club hit her cheek.  If it had been off an inch in any direction, her injuries would have been much worse.)

Anyway, back to the boys.  Friday I had 15 patients scheduled, but I knew I needed to take Carson in to be seen.  I was able to make a 2 PM appointment, only had to cancel 3-4 of my patients, and my rockstar babysitter met me at our doctor's office (50 minutes away from my office). 

The pediatrician agreed with the double infection.  I asked her to check him for strep since the other boys were sick too.  She did and his rapid test immediately turned positive.  Ugh!  Thankfully, she called in meds for all the boys and Lainey was already on antibiotics.

Within 24 hours of starting meds, the boys were 95% better.

Poor Carson turned 5 on Friday - the day he was diagnosed with a double infection and strep throat.  Ha! 

My mother-in-law came for a quick visit on Saturday.  Just in time to rescue me!  I snuck away Saturday evening and went to a local hotel to sleep (for 9.5 hours).  I am happy to say we are all feeling much better today.  Phew!

1 comment:

The Mahoney's said...

Oh. My. Word. That is a week for the record book. Glad you are all better now. I am so sorry!!!