I'm so thankful to have one girl out of my foursome!
She's a great kid!
Lainey sailed through kindergarten this year.
I loved her teacher!
Her teacher was sweet and kind, but extremely well organized.
Her classroom management skills were excellent as was her ability to
meet the needs with very differing levels of ability.
Her teacher told me she is hoping to convince the principal to let her
rotate up to first grade and keep this current class. I am really hoping
she has excellent persuasive skills too. Ha!
(Erik had a VERY different experience in first grade,
which made me appreciate Lainey's teacher even more.)
What's Lainey like at six?!
She is a sweet, little girl.
She is soft spoken and kind.
She is pretty shy but is well liked by her peers.
Her favorite friend this year is a boy named Hayden.
He is a firecracker! Never stops talking and has big twinkles in
both eyes. They were in the same class this year and became great friends;
lucky for us, he lives on our block. Not so lucky, he is moving back to Australia in 6 months.
Lainey is a good helper!
She still loves to be a second mother to Kyle is he lets her be one.
She is usually pretty quick to help with chores around the house without complaint.
Lainey is STRONG!
She easily climbs to the top of the rope in gym class,
can do pull up after pull up, does the monkey bars with ease.
(I have always had terrible upper body strength so am amazed by this.)
She was in dance and gymnastics this year.
She liked them both but prefers gymnastics to dance.
Lainey is fiercely competitive, likes to do things well!
It will be fun to watch her grow.
Lainey can be tricky!
She isn't very confrontational, so there isn't
a ton of power struggles with her.
But she sometimes lies to get out of trouble or to get her way.
She is smart too so it's hard to catch her sometimes.
Luckily, it doesn't happen often.
I am aware to watch for it though and am working on this character issue with her.
Lainey is a writer!
Man can this girl write!
It's truly amazing to me.
She truly finds joy in writing.
As an attempt to meet her love language,
I bought her a journal for her birthday.
She and I write notes to each other each night.
It's been a really wonderful experience.
I hope we keep it up for a long time to come.
Lainey is a great sister!
All three boys get along well with Lainey!
Rarely, do I hear fussing or complaining from her siblings about something she has done.
This is a true blessing!
Lainey, you are such a blessing!
I am so thankful for you!
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