Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kid Stats (at home)

(at almost 7.5 years)
 Height: 51 inches (80%)
Weight: 63 pounds (80%)

(5.7 years)
 Height:  46 inches (80%)
Weight: 44 pounds (50%)

(almost 4 years old)
Height: 41 inches (70%)
Weight: 38 pounds (70%)

(18 months)
Height: 32.25 inches ( 40%)
Weight: 25 pounds (60%)

Poor little Kyle is short and stout, at the moment. 

Kyle - 18 months

Kyle is a couple days shy of 18 months!

We've had a good month with our little bugger.

Kyle has a hilarious sense of humor.  He is  all about the "potty talk."  He farts and burps on purpose and then laughs and laughs about it.   One morning while I was getting dressed, he ran over to me, pointed at my butt and shouted, "Poop!"  then threw his head back and laughed.   Even though he is the youngest of four, none of my other kids have really ever seemed so amused by bodily functions.  He seems to have stumbled upon this on his own.  Of course, we find it quite humorous which I'm sure encourages him a bit.

Kyle is very, very verbal.   He repeats almost everything we say.    Yesterday, he said more than once, "Sit, back down!"  He is also musical.  He sings along with music and seems to be able to carry a beat.  If I sing a short rhythm at him, he will sing it back to me.    So interesting!

He is still my sensitive little boy.  He has done so much better this month and seems happier overall.  We are still using the pack n' play as a place for him to get a break.  He protests at times, but usually it seems comforting to him.      He still loves to be held, but will get down and play independently  for 10-20 minutes at a time a few times a day.    He has stopped crying when I leave him with our sitter on my work days, which is a relief.   She is wonderful but it never feels good to leave your baby screaming hysterically.   Poor little guy. 

He has opinions.  If he doesn't get what he wants, we all know about it because he screams.  Really loudly.  And it is on purpose!  I have now seen him look at him, scowl in disgust at whatever it was he didn't like, then open his mouth and let out a banshee level war cry.  Haha!    I have started utilizing Counscious Discipline techniques on him.  It helps teach people to self-regulate their emotions and I find it helpful.

He is independent.   Despite his desire to be held a lot he is independent.   He refuses to let anyone feed him anymore which is pretty cute!  He tries to buckle his own car seat.  He can't do it yet, which is very disappointing for the little guy. 

He is busy!!  He is constantly on the go.  Climbing, jumping, running.   Even when being held, he loudly insists that whoever have him keep going.   There is no sitting with this baby.   Haha!  He loves being outside so it is making me long for spring when I will be able to spend hours outside with him each day, when I am home.

 He is affectionate.  He still gives us little love pats on our arms through out the day.   He will give me big kisses on demand.   He loves to lay on Carson and give him love pats after Caron's naps.  So sweet.

Kyle, my sweet little guy!  You are my sidekick and I love you!  We've had a fun month and I can't wait to see your little personality continue to emerge. 
 Hiding from the camera!
 Matchy match - on accident
 Silly baby blowing raspberries at me
 Walking around with thermometers
in his mouth (we've had viruses in our house this month)
 I feed myself!
Still have a few of these moments each day, poor guy!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Ski/Tubing Day Trip

Last year, we spent a weekend tubing and skiing.  It was a lot of fun and I have been trying to figure how to repeat this.  The challenge, is that we have 4 small kids, and really need a third pair of hands if we were all going to go to a ski resort. 

I had been thinking about whether or not we should bring a sitter with us, leave Kyle behind with a sitter, etc.  My mom was just out here visiting so I didn't want to ask her to come again so soon and Grandma Sandy will be in Taiwan for another month or two.  So ski season will be done by the time she is stateside.

Another risk to planning a formal trip during the winter, is the risk of having to cancel something last minute due to viruses. 

Well, Saturday, I realized we are all healthy, and had nothing mandatory on Sunday.  So, I asked our sitter Montana, if she was free from 8 AM to 10 PM the next day, and by some miracle she was!

So after the kids went to bed we packed up van with snacks for the next day and ski clothes.  We let the kids know our destination at breakfast.  Lainey, who isn't a fan of cold weather, decided she would rather stay home with Montana.   We asked her multiple times and she was adamant.

So Carson and Erik piled into the van and off we went.  The nearest ski resorts are about 150 miles from our house.  We still had plenty of time and bought a 4 hour ski lift ticket and 2 hour tubing ticket for everyone.   Carson was actually very enthusiatic about skiing.  We kept him on the bunny hill, but he would ride up the "magic" carpet and ski back down, then go up again.   Erik went to a 1 hour ski refresher course and then was good to go.  He was much more cautious/responsible while skiing this year.  I was happy about that!

Victor and I split our time between Carson and Erik while skiing.

After our skiing block closed we headed straight to the tubing hill.  This was awesome!!  900 foot sledding hills!  Carson was pretty tired and I thought he might not make it through the tubing block.  I had to encourage him down the runs the first 2-3 times.  After that, he literally jumped out of the tube and ran as fast as he could to the "escalator."  Haha!

It really was fun!  I am hoping to make it back once more this season.

Lainey had a great time with our sitter.  She and Kyle spent the day at our sitters house - went to church, painted nails, watched a movie, and fed chickens.   She seemed to have a good day.  I showed her a video of Carson tubing, and she did say, "Do you think I can go next time?"   Hopefully we can find another improptu day to do this again before the ski season is over.