Saturday, January 24, 2015

Little Boys/ Kyle 17 months

These little guys are good buddies.
They are busy little boys for sure!

Kyle is definitely a toddler now, and
he is able to participate in most of the activities
we do throughout the week, which is fun.

Mr. Kyle is still a demanding little bugger....

 (he has decided he HATES oatmeal and was loudly protesting
his breakfast in his photo - this was before I realized what he was protesting)

Thankfully, I have noticed a a shift in his demeanor
in the past two weeks, after introducing the "baby jail."

I started this out of desperation.
I seriously couldn't put him down for more than 10 seconds, all day long, for
months on end, without him screaming hysterically.

Worse than that, he often screamed hysterically when I was holding him.
Why?  I do not know.

I'm sorry baby, but your mom does NOT have enough patience to deal
with that anymore.

So, because I got to a point where I felt like screaming or crying all day long,
I decided to bring up the pack n' play and put him in there 3-4 times a day,
so I could do things like, wipe down counters, pack lunches, dishes, etc. without
a 25 pound grump in my arms.

Shockingly, Kyle likes his baby jail!!
At times he will even request to go in there!
We have 2-3 "plugs" and a few favorite toys in there, nothing else.
During the past 2-3 weeks, I've been putting him in there
2-3 times a day and for the most part, I feel like my
life is sooooo much better now.

In addition to the baby jail time, he also just seems somewhat happier.
He went happily to our babysitter yesterday, for the first time since she started in October.
He is very playful and fun, when you are able to play one on one with him.
He loves music and sings back almost any pattern to you, which is very cute.
He is a verbal baby and has a LOT to say.

Anyway, we are plugging away over here.
I am thankful for my four kids, even if I end (and sometimes begin)
each day feeling quite exhausted.

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